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Debbie Friedrich
I am a mother, a wife, an artist and a dreamer working toward new goals.
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Jan 4, 2011
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Mar 15, 2010
how absolutely fitting! What a beautiful message. Happy, Happy birthday my dear friend!! Can't wait to see more :) Sending much love
Project 365: Day 1
Today is my birthday! One of the things I wanted to do for my birthday besides jump out of a plane and make sock puppets (not at the same time, of course) is start Photo Project 365. I read about this idea on Photo Jojo's site. I've been waiting patiently to start this and wanted to do it on...
well this just made my day my dear friend! Thank you so much for thinking of me. My cup definitely "runneth over" ;)
Cup of Love
This cup of morning coffee is dedicated to my Abalone Sister, Debbie Friedrich, who's cup is always overflowing with so much love and care for others!!!!
Thank you so much Tamra!
spreading my wings
This morning I went on a power walk at my local park. I have been really trying to get back in "walking mode" on a regular basis. Along with a very happy four legged furry friend, my Canon point and shoot and my lip gloss with SPF 15 I set out. My mind was all over the place with thoughts of ...
I am truly so happy for you. What a wonderful gift! This really shows off the love you have in your work and your couples :)
Studio Red
I love surprises! This morning I received a wonderful and thoughtful surprise from a very talented Videography team, Studio Red. Check it out! MAHALO NUI LOA, Kristy and Joel! Can't wait to play with you on Saturday!!!
Dear Friend - I LOVE this image! It really makes me happy ;)
Happy One Week, Lisa and Ken!!!
Last week Saturday, my friend Lisa became Mrs. Higa at Mystical Rose Chapel! Congratulations, Lisa and Ken!!!
Well you keep me brave dear friend. If my story can inspire others - then OUT with it I say!
It had been a long, painful journey of multiple surgeries up until 11 years ago. I loved meeting with you and our other dear friend Arna on May 21sts to celebrate not the hysterectomy but as you say "not what was taken from you but what you were left with which is your tenacious, fighting, compassionate and loving spirit!" Beautiful way of putting it!
much love to you always!
p.s. the lipgloss in the first photo is the new La laque from Lancome. It has this "magic wand" that just gliiides across your lips and stays on for HOURS! ;)
A Warrior Princess with Lip Gloss
Today is a very special day! First of all, what makes us different from men? Well, one of the most significant things would have to be our uterus! May 21st of every year is extremely special because one of my most bestest friends ever, soul sister and fellow artist, Debbie Friedrich, celeb...
That's my wonderful wife, I could not have asked for a better mother for our children. We are blessed. Brian
A Warrior Princess with Lip Gloss
Today is a very special day! First of all, what makes us different from men? Well, one of the most significant things would have to be our uterus! May 21st of every year is extremely special because one of my most bestest friends ever, soul sister and fellow artist, Debbie Friedrich, celeb...
I'm so glad Arna told you about delicious sunbutter! It's also a GREAT alternative to those with peanut allergies! Thanks for always making me smile :)
Mother's Day Sunbutter
OMG! Today I was introduced to a new healthy treat: Thanks to my dear friend Debbie Friedrich, who introduced this product to my other dear friend, Arna, while she visited with Deb in San Diego recently. Check this out: You can find this alternative to peanut butter at Whole Foods. ...
Beautiful documentation my friend! I love seeing Kevin's workshop through your eyes. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
Success on the Beach with the Kubotas!!!
Okay, I love Kevin and Clare Kubota of Kubota Workshops! Seriously, what a treat to have them return home to do a photography workshop. And they brought along some friends to help make learning even more fun! Vicki and Jed Taufer from V- Gallery Studios in Illinois, Asuka Books, and special gu...
HA! This is great!! Hmm.. I smell a challenge coming on ...
I am so proud to say that I did 850 Super Hula Hoops on my Wii Fit this morning after my 2.5 mile power walk! What a great way to start the first week of February! My 14 year old niece won't be too happy that I knocked her out of first place. I'm sure she'll do her darnedest to unseat me!
It's SO good to see Alice! I'm glad you documented her book signing!!
I love her new book - it's definitely food for the soul!
Love you guys!
Alice Inoue at Barnes and Noble
I just want to send a quick CONGRATS out to my amazing and spiritual friend and mentor, Alice Inoue. Her prelim book/DVD signing took place tonight at Barnes and Noble in Ala Moana. Alice was so kind to partner with Kanu Hawai'i, one my fave local non-profit organizations "which is dedicate...
I love that you and Arna brought in the New Year doing what you love while thoroughly ENJOYING yourself. You all look Divine!
I LOVE the photos my friend!!
Welcoming 2009 with a BANG-gle!!!
Well, the BANGLES to be exact!!! New Year's Eve...what a great way to enter into 2009! I was fortunate enough to shoot for my friend Lincoln Jacobe and his company, Hawai'i Pacific Entertainment, who is the promotional group who brought The Bangles into Honolulu. Okay, let me lay...
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