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To fully understand how hydrogen can be produced for less than the cost of electricity used, please see my comments below: And how the UK is transitioning its gas grid to hydrogen:
@Engineer-Poet - To think that electricity and batteries are capable of any meaningful energy transition is beyond the bounds of the imagination. Proponents of an all-electric system such as yourself are both willfully ignorant and abysmally unintelligent. Constantly trolling the only alternative to fossil energy confirms this over and over again. How profoundly sad for you. The 'electrify everything' agenda is so patently corrupt and idiotic; it is a wonder that its proponents manage to live functional lives. There is no alternative to hydrogen, and you will wish you never proved yourself to be what you blame others for being.
@OP So you happily promote the 'battery-electric economy', promoting the idea that we can heat our homes with batteries, power 1,000km-freight trucks with batteries, produce steel with batteries, replace all the gas turbines.. with battery-power, as well. Oh dear.
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Jun 2, 2019