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Roger Ehrenberg
After nearly two decades in M&A, Derivatives and Trading, I'm spending my time with young entrepreneurs in and around financial technology and digital media.
Interests: i have a passion for wall street, however, really only became a passion in the wake of my departing wall street and taking a fresh look at life. the massive power and democratizing influence of the internet was immediately appealing, analyzed and monetized in the investment process. i am also applying this framework to a rich array of long-tail information, the markets, deals and the internet. the first three were discovered and nurtured since about 10 years of age. the internet, and it didn't take long for me to consider how this power could be harnessed and applied to the realms of institutional investment and wall street. this is currently how i spend my time; using the power of the internet to pursue the dream of information a, a place where hard-to-find, "long tail" information is accessed, particularly in the digital media space.
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very good insights on the evolution of the incubator model
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Roger Ehrenberg is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010