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Illawarra, Australia
Recent Activity
kale chips, dairy goats and flatbread
When I first started this blog a hundred years ago, I was living in Sydney with two children, not three, and Adam and I would foray down to Gerringong periodically to visit my parents, and we'd wonder on the way... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2017 at inner pickle
HI Tracey! Ah thank you, and yes, am inclined, now I've recalled how to work the page again I'll be back imminently with a proper update! Thanks for your comment and encouragement.
well hello there
I'll be honest, I have no idea if I even remember how to post anything. It's been so long in between postings that I don't think people even call them 'blogs' anymore, I think they've morphed into online 'journals'. Do I even remember how to upload a photo? Ah, like falling off a log. But m...
Hello amazing Rhonda Jean, what a treat to see you too. Yes, back shortly with a proper update; I was quite serious that I couldn't really remember how to operate Typepad, I wasn't even sure i could get a post published! Back shortly! xx
well hello there
I'll be honest, I have no idea if I even remember how to post anything. It's been so long in between postings that I don't think people even call them 'blogs' anymore, I think they've morphed into online 'journals'. Do I even remember how to upload a photo? Ah, like falling off a log. But m...
Jools! Hello! Ah Lazy Lady, it's a classic x
well hello there
I'll be honest, I have no idea if I even remember how to post anything. It's been so long in between postings that I don't think people even call them 'blogs' anymore, I think they've morphed into online 'journals'. Do I even remember how to upload a photo? Ah, like falling off a log. But m...
well hello there
I'll be honest, I have no idea if I even remember how to post anything. It's been so long in between postings that I don't think people even call them 'blogs' anymore, I think they've morphed into online 'journals'. Do... Continue reading
Posted Aug 15, 2017 at inner pickle
Phoebe's T-shirt! On Steve! SO super awesome. I love checking in on the Fair via you every year, it's wonderful.
this year, at the fair
The Common Ground Country Fair has come to a close, and I've heard that the first frost has arrived at home. Autumn is upon us! I've been at the fair for a few days now with the Taproot team, busy with our booth at the fair. We met so many amazing pe...
the flame
In our font yard there is a magnificent tree. It's an Illawarra Flame Tree. I remember it blooming only a couple of times in my life, but when it does, it is spectacular. The leaves all fall off and it's... Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2014 at inner pickle
this place
We were very lucky to have the lovely Luisa Brimble visit recently (accompanied by the equally lovely Emma Bowen). I've been admiring Luisa's gorgeous photography for ages and was thrilled when she offered to visit on a workshop day and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2014 at inner pickle
Happy chickens brought you to by Tim
Last night our friend Tim O'Sullivan (Timbo Rural Contracting) showed up with some extra friends and they took out four foxes in an hour. Four. Happy, happy, happy. I don't know if that's solved the immediate problem, but I suspect... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2014 at inner pickle
brass tacks
You know that moment when you think, oh well, it can't get worse than this? We lost the remainder of the mature batch of meat birds last night, the ones due to go for processing tomorrow, the fifty we hoped... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2014 at inner pickle
who'd be a farmer, eh?
Photo: Luisa Brimble It's something Adman says, 'who'd be a farmer, eh?', when stuff goes wrong, or, you know, gets out or dies or doesn't grow or gets eaten or breaks or we hit the wall financially. He always says... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2014 at inner pickle
around here
Hello! Around here we are: .. holding onto the fun we had with the beloved Milkwood Permaculture team here this weekend, running Serious Backyard Veggies. We tried to encourage them to move in by feeding them delicious food (and hiding... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2014 at inner pickle
It's been a beautiful weekend of favourite Milkwood-people adventure and rain and amazing shared cooking with a brilliant cook (Tory) and red wine and cuddles with small children and slooooow cooked lamb. Adam took this photo this morning. Lucky stars,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2014 at inner pickle
the flipside
For every story there's another one. For every earnest heart wishing for a small farm in a friendly town with an orchard and room for chickens and a big veggie garden, there's an orchardist lying in bed tonight wondering how... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2014 at inner pickle
Farmers' Market
Wednesdays used to be different. I used to make a slice every Wednesday. I'd take it to a friend's house, and drink tea. Wednesdays are now a flurry of labelling and last minute baking and packing up and chalk-boarding. At... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2014 at inner pickle
I really don't know how to respond to that, Betty. Please feel free not to read my posts if the language annoys you.
mere trifle
Even when you bake for a living, you'll still stuff up the occasional batch of cakes. Unfortunately when I stuff up a batch of cakes it's not usually, you know, one tray of twelve cup cakes. This is a blueberry teacake. I make lots of them. I know where I went wrong this time: math...
mere trifle
Even when you bake for a living, you'll still stuff up the occasional batch of cakes. Unfortunately when I stuff up a batch of cakes it's not usually, you know, one tray of twelve cup cakes. This is a blueberry... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2014 at inner pickle
the beekeeper
I am not the beekeeper of this operation. Adam is. I've never really been particularly interested in bees, they were always Dad's gig, and that whole bee suit thing was kind of alarming. When we started talking about moving back... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2014 at inner pickle
Far out, snow so high it allows walking over fences?!?! Here, on the south coast of NSW Australia where it has never ever snowed, I live in a bubble, obviously. Far out that makes it hard! When the ground is really dry our electric netting fences loses charge, and I thought THAT was a pain.
party shoes, please
It happened a few weeks ago. As I was putting snow boots on my usually easy to please and flexible two year old, something shifted. Sitting there on the bench looking at me with boots ready to slip on her feet, Annabel paused, then firmly put up one hand. "Wait, Mama. Party shoes, plea...
Those pretty plates!!! I need an op-shop visit, thanks for the inspiration x
at the flea
Antiques USA and Arundel Flea Market Arundel, Maine It won't be long till the summer antiquing tourist season is upon us here in Maine. As such, this is the time of year when so many of the flea markets and antique shops have their annual sales, clearing out a bit of the old ...
Wow! No, I actually only know Di, the daughter who brought them to Gerringong, I've never met Rachel. If she's like her parents she must be totally lovely, David and Carolyn are particularly fabulous.
The day the olives grew.
Dad planted an olive tree about the time he planted the coffee, so in the vicinity of 13 years ago. We've always talked about it as the tree that never fruits. We were advised that olives don't need a cultivar like some fruiting trees, and this tree was in the coffee grove, so it was wel...
I just wanted to say that for every odd or unkind comment, who perhaps came here with an objective to criticise, there's a horde of us out here not often commenting, who come for inspiration and timely reminders to open our eyes to the beauty and harmony right in front of us. You're awesome, lady, I'd hate for you to be discouraged in any way by one rude person. xx
the weekend (huddle)
I set out on Sunday to document a bit of everyday family life for both you and me. The fleeting little moment that are so normal, so representative of our life as it is right now, and so comforting. What I found on my camera surprised me a little bit. Sure there was sewing and popc...
The day the olives grew.
Dad planted an olive tree about the time he planted the coffee, so in the vicinity of 13 years ago. We've always talked about it as the tree that never fruits. We were advised that olives don't need a cultivar... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2014 at inner pickle
farm picnic day
We ran our first Farm Picnic Day last month. We were very nervous. Like, really nervous. It sold out quickly and we closed it down at 50 people, and I had visions of people eveywhere and chaos and children climbing... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2014 at inner pickle
when the big week turned into a big month
Hello! Jeepers. I've just about forgotten how to log into Typepad. We've been rolling with the punches over here, holding our heads above deep, deep water and singing loudly to a favourite song. We've done a lot of very fun... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2014 at inner pickle
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