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Paulette Insall
Recent Activity
how awesome that you found those eydie! i keep forgetting to keep an eye out for things like that myself. i was just in marshall's the other day and saw some stuff on clearance in their home decor section and was in such a hurry that i didn't have a real chance to peruse anything. now i'm gonna have to go back and see what i can find. :D
Toggle Commented Jul 16, 2010 on Painting on Canvas Fun at She Brews
1 reply
i absolutely love what you're doing!!!! how these techniques are morphing and changing as you integrate them into what you already do. lovin' the crackled background and the wood embellishing too! are these newer ones on wood? i think you should totally keep going with the painted scenes integrated with the collage elements. it's so unique and lovely!!! as far as the matching their decor, that's an ongoing head shaker for me. i buy art that moves me....not that matches anything in my house. if i love it, i find a way to fit it in somewhere. guess that's why that whole idea of matching your art to your decor is lost on me. lol! blessings & hugs, paulette
Toggle Commented Jul 16, 2010 on Painting on Canvas Fun at She Brews
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Paulette Insall added a favorite at Something Sublime
Jul 9, 2010
these all look so wonderful! i'm so glad to see you posted them now that they are all finished. i've taken classes where it took a while for things to "click" for me, but eventually after i've had time to digest it all, it all falls into place. :) the first one in this post and the first one in your next post are my faves, but they are all fantastic! i love how you've integrated all the elements into the paintings. blessings & hugs, paulette
Toggle Commented Jul 8, 2010 on too bad......I'm on a roll..... at She Brews
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Paulette Insall is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 7, 2010