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Jason Bird
Both everywhere, and nowhere.
When I was young I thought magic might be real, but now that I'm older...I'm sure of it.
Interests: Magic, Myth, Music, Meaning
Recent Activity
Hey everyone, it's Jason here. For those who are doing more than car camping, and perhaps doing backpacking or wilderness camping, here are some important tips for you: 1. Knowledge of where you'll be hiking/maps/gps/inform friends This is oftentimes the most overlooked. Try to carry with you the most detailed... Continue reading
Some of those pictures are making my heart ache. Reminding me once again why you're my favorite writer. I'm honored to be along for the ride. Can't wait for more.
I often think about the very first time 'magic' was performed. Who was there? Who was doing it? And the most fascinating question...why? One theory is that the performance of magic started when someone decided to imitate god. This is such an interesting idea. If you think about it, all... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2011 at In Search of Magic
Alright kids, I suppose I'm long overdue a blog post. I have a good excuse though. For the last few weeks I've been on my annual PCH/Redwood adventure. And an adventure it was. More on that to come. I did want to touch base and say that the writing of... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2011 at In Search of Magic
Had a great week this week. I got serious again about my working out after a brief hiatus due to work. I am sufficiently sore thank you very much. Feeling pretty good about my preparations for shooting the first few episodes of In Search of Magic. The last thing to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2011 at In Search of Magic
I love it! Aside from your story reminding me of that dream I have about being backstage as the curtain is going up and all of my props are gone, I adored it. And the jewelry is just wonderful. You've definitely found your niche. Speechless.
Oh my darling. Still hearing voices I see. Our inner monologues should really have lunch together soon. I think they would really hit it off. Then you and I could have some alone time together. As always your words soothe and inspire. The time is now, and we are the just ask the question.
Did you take these?!
So here's the deal...god talks to me through license plates. Really. I'll explain more later. But here's a picture to add to my yet-to-be-started photo collection of all of my talking license plates. Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at In Search of Magic
Come home dear Twilight, come home. Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2011 at In Search of Magic
Oh love. Such an adventure. If it didn't mean I wouldn't see you I would say you should stay. This was so good for you. Carry this with you...always.
pssst...I'm hearing rumors of a new Magic of Jason Bird website... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at In Search of Magic
I've been trying to stay focused the last few days. Do you ever feel like there is just so much coming at you that it almost paralyzes you into inaction? That's been me. There's just so much work to do on this show that it's a little overwhelming at times.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2011 at In Search of Magic
The sad thing is that what she did wasn't really all that bad, but unfortunately she was chosen to be made an example of as a warning to the other figurines. Gotta have order.
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2011 on Better you,than me at Leah.J.Lynn's Creative Space
It's one of those rare times when even 'miracle' doesn't do it justice.
I've been very inspired this weekend. Lots of great new ideas as well as fleshing out old ideas. It's also been a good mix of work and play, which is always nice. I watched the new Alice in Wonderland for the first time yesterday (yeah, I know I called it... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2011 at In Search of Magic
So I've been playing around with ways to animate web content without using flash (for you iphone users out there). My new banner, seen spinning above (hopefully), is my attempt at this. Let me know what you think. Day two of my new workout went well. Here are my official... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2011 at In Search of Magic
So today I started a different work-out regimen...and by different I mean I started going. :-) It's been awhile since I've been to the gym. That period of time was lengthened due to an unfortunate series of events involving a sled, a huge snowy hill, and having a spine not... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2011 at In Search of Magic
I'm in awe. What a beautiful place. I hope you're scoping out the best places for when we all go. :-)
Oh my darling a far-away land. The world obviously needs one of us awake at all times right now. :-) I love this post. Reminding me of why you are my favorite writer...and person. 17 hugs, -J p.s. - I said 'hi' to the full moon for you.
I took this photo out at Red Rock the other day after a snow. This was a photo taken during last summer's California adventure. This one was of a random parking lot in Oregon at the end of last year. Love Live Laugh. Good Advice. Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2011 at In Search of Magic
I thought I'd share a few photos from a magic show tour we did up in the northwest a few months ago. It was a lot of fun (3,500 miles of fun) and I was fortunate enough to meet some very talented people. Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2011 at In Search of Magic
I might just have to buy that Rumi book at the store today. It all starts today.
Was able to take the last two days pretty much to myself to get work done. Which I did. Everything is starting to come into focus. Saw the picture below out on the streets of Las Vegas today. Now I'm flirting with doing one of those picture a day type... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2011 at In Search of Magic