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Interests: music, guitar, social networks, weblogs, all things internet, my beautiful wife and daughter, custom low-wattage tube guitar amps, digital audio recording
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Jef Newsom is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Just to be clear, Chris, the Good-Better-Best gradients are for levels of functionality on any given requirement, not just ways to classify requirements. The two are similar, but I'm specifically talking about a way to take a single story and ask the questions: What is good enough to get us to market? What would be better to make the product more usuable? Do we need it now, or can we defer that until later? What is the best thing we can build and does the customer need or want that? Are there differences in cost between these implementations? What are the respective ROIs?
Good-Better-Best Solution Selection in Agile Development
My current client project at Improving a development effort where we get to work closely with our client to determine the requirements of the system under development. We started off the engagement by creating a nice product backlog, a la Scrum, and then diving into the highest priority items t...
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