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Interests: american football, icehockey and james camerons new movie (avatar) hehe :)
Recent Activity
Is there a place where you can see how many who is...
Is there a place where you can see how many who is online at this very moment? if not, write "i'm online!" so we all can see how many actually is online at the same time! The more who is... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at AVATAR
That is EXACTLY what i experienced too Paikia. I fell in love with the story, the characters and the new inspiring world. Not the 3D effects. It is still a perfect movie in 2D.
i saw avatar for the fourth time today, though the...
i saw avatar for the fourth time today, though the first three times it was the original format, not 3D! this time it was in 3D ;) but i have to say, i expected more. Many inhere has said that it is so very much better in 3D, but i did not experience a "must-see-experience" other than the normal ...
I'm not all that new hehe, but i haven't been on for quite some time now :) but thank you both for noticing!
Yes it was an IMAX :)
i saw avatar for the fourth time today, though the...
i saw avatar for the fourth time today, though the first three times it was the original format, not 3D! this time it was in 3D ;) but i have to say, i expected more. Many inhere has said that it is so very much better in 3D, but i did not experience a "must-see-experience" other than the normal ...
i saw avatar for the fourth time today, though the...
i saw avatar for the fourth time today, though the first three times it was the original format, not 3D! this time it was in 3D ;) but i have to say, i expected more. Many inhere has said that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at AVATAR
How big are you planning on getting then? d:
It was much slower earlier good to see more people...
It was much slower earlier good to see more people on. How is everyone?
I'm really looking forward to the DVD! I dont know if i'm going to get a 3D tv for the 3D edition of avatar, but i'm looking VERY much forward to it anyway :D
It was much slower earlier good to see more people...
It was much slower earlier good to see more people on. How is everyone?
I'm fine thank you. How about you?
It was much slower earlier good to see more people...
It was much slower earlier good to see more people on. How is everyone?
InTheDistant is now following Dale
Feb 20, 2010
Well see you, i'll leave in a moment too :)
I love Avatar! :D How about you? ;)
I love Avatar! :D How about you? ;)
I try to avoid shaping my own idea of how it will be .. If i shape my own movie of my dreams, the real sequel may disappoint me :) then again, this is just a theory, maybe James Cameron will blow our minds away no matter what our expectations are
How many in here has got their own idea of how the...
How many in here has got their own idea of how the sequel is going to be, storywise?
How many in here has got their own idea of how the...
How many in here has got their own idea of how the sequel is going to be, storywise? Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2010 at AVATAR
Haha 96mermaid :D school and work has kept me off, but now i'm back again to this lovely community :) good to see you are still here too :D
I love Avatar! :D How about you? ;)
I love Avatar! :D How about you? ;)
The result couldn't be better d: United are having a hard time this season, but then again they should have seen it coming selling Ronaldo and Tevez .. Rooney is the only one who carries the team atm ..
WOAH! Everton beat Manchester United! That was an...
WOAH! Everton beat Manchester United! That was an insane game! I've been off and on today in case you haven't noticed haha
A very good game indeed :D Everton just won me some money haha ;) you are a United fan??
WOAH! Everton beat Manchester United! That was an...
WOAH! Everton beat Manchester United! That was an insane game! I've been off and on today in case you haven't noticed haha
Hehe sorry, is it me you are referring to or..? :)
I love Avatar! :D How about you? ;)
I love Avatar! :D How about you? ;)
InTheDistant is now following Friend of Mo'at
Feb 20, 2010
I love Avatar! :D How about you? ;)
I love Avatar! :D How about you? ;) Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2010 at AVATAR
definitly the Flux Vortex :) (the floating mountains)
What if we could all take a field trip to Pandora...
What if we could all take a field trip to Pandora (yes as humans). Where would the first place be that you would go to?
thats a good one too :D also the one "You crossed the linie."
Favourite line of the movie: "You are not in...
Favourite line of the movie: "You are not in Kansas anymore. You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen."
Haha me too :) sorry to correct you (cant help myself hehe), but he says "A marine in an Avatar body, thats a potent mix" d:
Favourite line of the movie: "You are not in...
Favourite line of the movie: "You are not in Kansas anymore. You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen."
Favourite line of the movie: "You are not in...
Favourite line of the movie: "You are not in Kansas anymore. You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen." Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at AVATAR
I wish i knew how to stand up in a way that i could make a message for everybody to hear ..
Here's a message I posted over at the Avatar...
Here's a message I posted over at the Avatar forums, concerned that things seem to be in a state of inertia with respect to wanting change to need to read the posts over there to see what I mean. Anyway, here it is. It's long, so I apologise in advance if it seems too long and a bit m...
InTheDistant is now following Andy
Jan 13, 2010
To you Andy for your first comment: I'm sorry to correct you, but a human cannot call mankind stupid. We can call other species for stupid because we can compare it to our minds, though our brains cant manage that it is not intelligent. You cant say that mankind is stupid although they tend to make rather stupid descisions, but it is not logically to call your own race stupid. Not in a moral way, but in a logical way. I dont know if this makes sence to you, but i really hope it does hehe d: It made sence when i was thinking it haha.
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i do understand what you mean, though we are still an intelligent lifeform. But i have a theory. Out there, somewhere in the universe is a lifeform which is far more intelligent than us. We cant understand how they are more intelligent than us, cause seen with our eyes, we can get as intelligent as we want to by studying and learning. This far more intelligent lifeform cant be recreated in our minds because our brains simply is not capable of handling that kind of thinking.
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