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Recent Activity
I sent 51 handknit hats to the Freestore in Braddock PA right around Thanksgiving. (Last year I sent 100). I make them from stash and leftover yarns from other projects. Whenever I leave this life, I want to be remembered as someone who tried her best to make this world a little warmer and more colorful. After all, somebody always needs a hat. :-)
Ninth Day of Sock Yarn
On the Ninth Day of Sock Yarn, Simply Sock Yarn gave to meeeeeeee...... A gift certificate and donation of your choice! To have a chance at a $50 SSYC gift certificate for you and a $100 donation made by SSYC to the non-profit of your choice, simply answer the following question in the comment...
InTheWild215 is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 21, 2022
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