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Shelley Klammer
Intuitive Art Explorations
Recent Activity
The Art of Healing Depression with the Expressive Arts
If you are struggling with depression, you are likely not connecting to your strength and confidence. You likely have lost connection to yourself, and to your own way of knowing. This lack of confidence suggests that you have lost your connection to your soul center. In your depression healing process,... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2023 at Shelley Klammer
Intuitive Painting Made Simple
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” ~ Albert Einstein Intuition, sometimes called the "sixth sense" is a right-brained knowing without going through a logical thought process. Logical... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2022 at Shelley Klammer
Finding the Wild Inside
What I am Reading I recently interviewed Expressive Arts Therapist Marilyn Hagar author of Finding the Wild Inside for my Creative Process Portal. I asked Marilyn: "How is your creative process presently supporting you to grow, change and transform?" Marilyn shares: "In her book, Centering, the potter M.C. Richards wrote,... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2022 at Shelley Klammer
Temporary Vision Board
Expressive Arts Process - Temporary Vision Board Recently, I have been creating casual vision boards in my studio. I use push pins to fasten my magazine images onto a corkboard. I love these temporary works of art because as I shift internally, I can also shift my vision board. This... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2022 at Shelley Klammer
Emotional Awareness Journaling
Loosening the Stuck Places "Focusing is a path of self-inquiry that welcomes nuanced experiences that we often overlook. We gently bring awareness into our bodies, which is where feelings and sensations reside. We allow and befriend whatever we are experiencing in a way that permits the stuck places to loosen... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2022 at Shelley Klammer
Emotional Processing with Collage
About a year ago, I discovered an older and sometimes glitchy collage app online, and I began processing my emotions through digital collage. Being an empathic person, I find that I can easily get emotionally accumulated by the energies of other people, and I was amazed at how much "emotional... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2022 at Shelley Klammer
Expressive Poetry
An Intuitive Poetry Journal is Experimental I invite you to begin a very easy spontaneous creative practice and to take a journey deep into your body's spontaneous wisdom. In my one year expressive art and writing course, you will be invited to develop an experimental, intuitive journal, and fill it... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2022 at Shelley Klammer
How to Create a Visionary Glue Book
Over the years, my creative practices become simpler and simpler - sometimes to the point of sometimes just picking one image from a magazine a day, and meditating upon what it means to me. The Simplicity of Gluebooks Have you heard of gluebooks? I have been making gluebooks for over... Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2021 at Shelley Klammer
90 Day Affirmation Journal
For as long as I can remember, I have longed to feel joy. In my twenties, I created "joy journals" by cutting and pasting beautiful things that sparked joy for me. Eventually, my life started to shape around my consecration to joy. The old fell away, and the new arrived.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2021 at Shelley Klammer
How to Paint Intuitively
What is Intuitive Painting? Do you know what intuitive painting is? Intuitive painting for the process instead of the end result. You can choose to suppress your emotions or accept and express them so that they can transform. Emotions hold tremendous energy, and when you paint your emotions out intuitively,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2021 at Shelley Klammer
Creative Conversations
Over the years, it has been my honour and pleasure to share my expressive arts practices and principles with so many wonderful people all over the world. And, I have created a webpage of all my interviews and art demos for you HERE! Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
A Creative Approach to Healing Illness
I recently sent this lesson from my e-course 100 Days of Art Journal Therapy to someone I care about, and I thought this lesson should be more widely shared. An Emotional Approach to Healing Illness The emotional struggles that you cannot work out consciously will often work their way through... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
Thank-you Mairim!
Collage Landscapes - Free Art Demo
As our world shifts, changes and recalibrates, I have been aiming to design expressive arts directives that can be done with whatever most of us have on hand at home. Here is a video art demo that I did with artist Amanda Mauk during the first worldwide "sheltering in place." Together, we a...
Hi Ella - the sketchbook I am using is 9x6 inches. So glad you love the Collage Landscapes!
Collage Landscapes - Free Art Demo
As our world shifts, changes and recalibrates, I have been aiming to design expressive arts directives that can be done with whatever most of us have on hand at home. Here is a video art demo that I did with artist Amanda Mauk during the first worldwide "sheltering in place." Together, we a...
There is a creative practice course in the works Patricia!
Collage Landscapes - Free Art Demo
As our world shifts, changes and recalibrates, I have been aiming to design expressive arts directives that can be done with whatever most of us have on hand at home. Here is a video art demo that I did with artist Amanda Mauk during the first worldwide "sheltering in place." Together, we a...
Healing Trauma With Intuitive Art
"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way." ~ Edward de Bono Are You Feeling Stuck in a Trauma Loop? Are you feeling stuck in repeating trauma patterns from the past that you cannot seem to think or feel your way... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
Hi Deliah,
You can find the worksheet here:
Draw Your Inner Symbols
Many of you who have been connecting with me for a while know that I love to do a form of depth journaling called "Focusing." I have written about this depth journaling process quite often. This, however, is the first time I have actually demonstrated it online. I love this revelatory journali...
Expressive Arts Exercise for Teens - Healing Perfectionism
As promised, here is the creative activity I contributed to Rayne Lacko's new book for Teens, Dream Up Now! I share more about my personal life as a teen in the book. "Teens feel a wide range of sometimes-overwhelming, often-fluctuating, intense emotions. To help teens understand, manage, and channel their... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
Create a Messy Collage!
I have spent my summer editing my new book, and I have been longing to create some expressive art! I recently went to the thrift store and bought myself some old books to alter and expressively scribble in! Expressive Art Process - Messy Collage These free and messy collages are... Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
How to Read Books on Kindle
My book Collage for Self-Discovery is only on Kindle, and so many of you have written me to say you prefer paper books! So, if you have been resistant to trying Kindle books, this article is for you. I became a "Kindle-Convert" because I love to read books here, there... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
Create An Abstract Collage
Over the years, as a collage artist, I have become increasingly dissatisfied with the quality and quantity of the imagery in magazines. For this reason, I prefer to purchase older magazines from thrift stores, as the quality of paper and imagery is so much better. Magazines are also so much... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
Gay Pride Art Journaling Spread
Recently in my Intuitive Collage Facebook group, a member posted an art demo by a young artist named Berber van Gorp. This is how she introduces herself on her YouTube channel: "My name is Berber I'm a 19 year old girl from the Netherlands." I started watching some of Berber's... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
From Self-Diminishment to Self-Confidence
Recently, I had such a lovely chat with harpist Patricia Daly from Ireland. We talked about our journeys from self-diminishment to self-confidence through our creative practices. Our chat is now available on my YouTube channel HERE. Please join us. Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
How to Think Intuitively
It is possible to reach for new creative thoughts. Leaning into inspired thought requires the conscious intention to rest upon the edge of what you do not yet know. In your personal mind, there is likely a stream of thoughts that run horizontally from the past to the future in... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
Healing From the Loss of a Child
Supporting mothers travel through the loss of a baby is a heart-wrenchingly poignant, and the post-traumatic growth can be tremendous to witness too. I recently wrote an article on my Depth Therapy Blog that offers a five-step process for healing the loss of a baby. If you have lost an... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2020 at Shelley Klammer
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