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Thanks for the trip back down memory lane. I've spent time on both sides of the table, and am now sitting in the CIO chair.
I particularly appreciate your line 'The problem isn't the technology, it's how it's being used".'
Without a strong knowledge of what technology can do, you wouldn't be qualified to make the statement, but in your case it bore weight. I wish I was in the room.
Now that I'm on the customer side of the equation, I'm working hard to spread the word that IT leaders need to change... it isn't really about the technology, but how it is implemented to add value and provide differentiation for their organizations.
I blog on this topic at about the leadership required to turn technology invisible - to make it like oxygen... you don't even have to think about it until it's not there.
You rightly point out that planning, management systems, and leadership need to be layered on top of great technology to make it 'invisible'.
The Vendor Beating
We've all seen parents berate their children, and managers berate their employees. It's not pleasant to watch, but it happens. As an employee of a large IT vendor, I've been at the receiving end of a reasonable number of vendor beatings. Occasionally it's richly deserved. But, sometimes,...
InvisiTech is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 29, 2011
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