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Isabella Howard
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I agree!
While I will be the first to admit I'm not thrilled with the Twilight part, it's good for THEM and that's what matters. They not selling out, they becoming sucessful and it's because they're an AMAZING band. Yes, they are opening for Muse and yes they're are going to be stadium shows but they aren't going to leave us real fans (not the ones that love them because theyre touring with Muse or because the radio is playing them or because they're on the Eclipse soundtrack) and even IF they do sellout (which I doubt) I will always be able to say that I knewabout them and saw them in concert YEARS before the radio was playing them or they were playing stadium shows and I think you should be proud to say the same.
Isabella Howard is now following Metric
May 14, 2010
Isabella Howard is now following The Typepad Team
May 14, 2010