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Illustrating Stories
Pacific Northwest USA
Interests: We have a passion for merging images and words...
Recent Activity
Oh Karin, thanks so much!
Also, you hit the head of the nail -- it's the community that rocks! We're so honored (blessed and jazzed) to be a part of this, too! It is growing in a way that is so cool, fostered and nourished by the creative souls of the entire community. I never expected to be a part of something so huge and awesome. It is so amazing!
Thanks for all that you give to us, too, Karin. Your work, heart, spirit -- it means the world to us. You are a gift and your friendship is so very, very important.
Thanks again and three cheers for creative adventures, spirits, and friends!
=) Liz
The Next Adventure
Creating on a regular basis has taught us something very important: Things evolve and change. For example, I've begun projects with no particular goal in mind and have ended up illustrating key stories in my life. Things change, perspective shifts, and the journey is full of bends and turns. ...
Thanks Heidi for your visit and comment -- and, for following us over to the new website!
Also, have a happy and creative day!
=) Liz
The Next Adventure
Creating on a regular basis has taught us something very important: Things evolve and change. For example, I've begun projects with no particular goal in mind and have ended up illustrating key stories in my life. Things change, perspective shifts, and the journey is full of bends and turns. ...
Thank you so very much.
Creating a community where artists can come together and share in a warm caring environment has always been the primary goal for Illustrating Stories. I am so glad that it has achieved that for you and many others. We are thankful that you are part of this community, you are such a blessing to all of us.
Big hugs right back at you,
The Next Adventure
Creating on a regular basis has taught us something very important: Things evolve and change. For example, I've begun projects with no particular goal in mind and have ended up illustrating key stories in my life. Things change, perspective shifts, and the journey is full of bends and turns. ...
I hope it is not a goodbye and look forward to seeing you over at the tribe as a guest or member. The Ning network allows everyone to connect so much better than just our blog, so we are combining to make it more of a community. We will still be sharing our studio time, techniques, and blog posts!
We have been making digital elements for several years now. Some have been given away in the past and others have been parts of kits for sale. We decided to take the prices away from all of the digital elements. We see these as tools for other artists to use for their art and want people to access to them no matter what. It fits in with our goals for illustrating stories, to share art and inspire creativity in our community.
I am so very glad that you have been part of illustrating stories and look forward to sharing more time together. Especially a yearly February celebration!
Take care,
The Next Adventure
Creating on a regular basis has taught us something very important: Things evolve and change. For example, I've begun projects with no particular goal in mind and have ended up illustrating key stories in my life. Things change, perspective shifts, and the journey is full of bends and turns. ...
Hey there girlfriend!
Yes. You are right -- the new site is our new home (with blog posts happening there instead of here). In a month or so, we'll redirect to that site from our domain (e.g., will send folks to the tribe automatically).
Also, thanks again for the the reference to our site -- that was so nice of you. We'll continue to make the goodies you mentioned in the Roundtable episode (and you were all so complimentary in what you said, too -- thanks again, it meant a lot to us). Now, however, they'll be free. We're so interested in fostering creativity that we didn't want to charge for the digital elements anymore.
Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment. Also, thanks for the weekly podcasts you're producing -- I'm so addicted!
Take care and catch up to you within the network, Noell!
=) Liz
The Next Adventure
Creating on a regular basis has taught us something very important: Things evolve and change. For example, I've begun projects with no particular goal in mind and have ended up illustrating key stories in my life. Things change, perspective shifts, and the journey is full of bends and turns. ...
The Capers Are Free
We've decided to give away the digital elements we make. Yup. It's true! Please go to the Illustrating Stories Tribe to download some amazing goodies. We hope you'll enjoy them and wish you many happy and creative days. - Liz... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2010 at Digi Capers
The Next Adventure
Creating on a regular basis has taught us something very important: Things evolve and change. For example, I've begun projects with no particular goal in mind and have ended up illustrating key stories in my life. Things change, perspective shifts,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2010 at
Illustrating Stories is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Illustrating Stories is now following Aznacha
Sep 2, 2009
Illustrating Stories is now following Ali Edwards
Aug 15, 2009
Illustrating Stories has shared their blog
Jul 31, 2009
Illustrating Stories has shared their blog Digi Capers
Jul 31, 2009
Yup. I'm missing one-click access to new pages and page listing, too. Thanks!
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