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Major Bedhead
Recent Activity
I'm not going to comment on the Marie Claire article because my feelings are identical to yours.
But I am going to say that you are freakin' HOT in that pregnancy picture.
Do the Beautiful People Really Think Like This?
I'm asking what might seem like a mundane or even nonsensical question, but to me, and millions like me, it's important. Take a moment to make yourself comfortable because I want you to really think about what I'm going to ask you. Are you ready? What do you think when you see two obese peopl...
I've had that one saved on my computer for a while now. Funny stuff.
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Major Bedhead shared a video on YouTube
at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Apr 19, 2010 This.... This. Because I'm feeling all kinds of smashy these days. Plus, hot, gay, shirtless men. Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2010 at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
I loved it, but I think I was just so happy it was back on that it didn't matter. And there were some great one-liners in there. Dolphins are gay sharks. Sometimes I forget my middle name. Hysterical.
I did think it felt rushed, though, like they're trying to pack too much into each episode. To me, Glee has a bit of a soap opera thing going on, in addition to all the music; it's ok to let story lines play out over a few episodes.
Sue Sylvester doing Vogue was, quite possibly, one of the best things I've seen on television in a long, long time.
Gleecap - Hell-O
The triumphant and much-anticipated return of Glee brings with it my less triumphant and far less anticipated Gleecap! Today’s recap features a special guest, so please give a warm welcome to Mighty Hunter, who was not actually watching this episode, but came along for the ride. For those ...
I'm rather looking forward to this.
One Week Until The Return of Glee! "Like a Prayer" Teaser Trailer
You guys? I cannot wait for the return of Glee next Tuesday night, nor can I wait to be up all night recapping it for you. A new trailer below the jump to give you a taste of what's in store in just seven days: The episode premieres in its new time slot on Tuesday April 13 9/8 central....
I cannot stand Mila. Every time I see her purse up her over-lipsticked, thin gob, I want to smack her. Every. Time. Jonathan, I think, was channeling Ping last night. It's too bad because he really did make some nice things, but last night's dress was horrible. Really horrible. I liked the two winning dresses but I didn't think either of them were amazing. They were sexy and pretty but not oh-mah-gawd-that's-gawjus.
Project Runway Recap: "Sew Much Pressure"
I sometimes feel the need during shows like Top Chef or Biggest Loser to confess to all the crappy and unhealthy food I tend to eat while watching. So in a similar trend toward honesty: I'm wearing some too-big saggy-ass jeans and a shirt that was cute three summers ago. I used my Bluefly Acc...
Glee has done wonders to make all the dorky, geeky songs that I loved in high school cool again. This makes me happy.
"Don't Stop Believing" - Glee - cover
Major Bedhead shared a video on YouTube
at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 29, 2010
I love that I'm totally confused.
And another piece of my childhood ripped away by...
And another piece of my childhood ripped away by discovery fucking channel....
I'm watching Charlie Brown's Christmas because that's what my kids wanted to see tonight. But I have a Young's Double Chocolate Stout, so it's not unbearable. Yet.
What up, yo? I mean here I am, it's 4pm, I'm...
What up, yo? I mean here I am, it's 4pm, I'm settling in for the second half of my workday now, and all a twitter. Well, no. I'm on twtiter, certainly but I meant… oh you know. How's the day going, chickadees?
Major Bedhead is now following Anastacia
Mar 24, 2010
Oh, the ribbed turtleneck. I used to love those because they emphasized the girls so well....
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Is that...your hair?? So you're the one responsible for the hole in the ozone, huh?
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Major Bedhead added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 24, 2010
How are we supposed to compete with that? Also? *droooooooooooolslobber*
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Oh. Mah. Gawd. That's awesome. The new Weebles? Suck. So do the new Fisher Price Little People.
I read The Notebook under duress, for a bookgroup I was in. I loathed it and since then, have refused to read anything else by him. It is godawful tripe.
Nicholas Sparks? PUT THE PEN DOWN
I am going to get vicious hatemail for this, but I simply cannot stay silent any longer. It's time for an intervention, and I happen to be RILLY good at those. Nicholas Sparks? It's time to put down the pen. Dear Nick: Can I call you Nick? I feel close to you, Nick, and there is something I...
Major Bedhead shared a video on YouTube
at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 17, 2010
Major Bedhead shared a video on YouTube
at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 17, 2010
What happened to his face? It's like all of his features are migrating to the middle.
I feel bad for the guy, but I agree with Kelly; he's probably always going to be Xander.
'Buffy' Star Nicholas Brendon to Cops: Don't Tase Me, Bro!
See how I made a real topical reference there? You guys, this news/gossip item makes me very sad, because I have always had and continue to have a giant crush on the character Xander Harris from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. However, Nick Brendon these days? Not doing so well: Responding to a c...
Major Bedhead is now following amalah
Mar 16, 2010
Major Bedhead is now following Sweetney
Mar 15, 2010
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