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Ishmael Holmes
Recent Activity!/photo.php?fbid=185065698183108&set=a.113279995361679.11895.113256155364063¬if_t=photo_comment_tagged
A little humor.
YonWatch: A little humor - Update
(A little humorless: It's all fun and games and then someone gets banned.) Some of the allegations against Yon are that he has no sense of humor and that he will ban a man for asking questions. So, this might seem like a cartoon dialogue, but I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the rea...
I'm sorry, but this is all so highly amusing that Power Point Ranger had to make a cartoon out of it.
Of course, it doesn't target anyone specificly. Of course.!/photo.php?fbid=185065698183108&set=a.113279995361679.11895.113256155364063¬if_t=photo_comment_tagged&pid=498531&id=113256155364063
YonWatch: Just a Bully
There's a fine line between the necessity to expose a malcontent and it being better to ignore him. I want to ignore Yon. I have for years and hence I did not know many of the negative actions he had taken. Yon does not want to be ignored and he will commit to all sorts of negative behavior t...
hahahahah Thanks, Jayson!
Nothing But a Bully
Over at War on Terror News....
Hmmm. I got banned off Facebook months ago by Michael Yon for calling him out on his "I've got more combat experience than 90% of our soldiers" comment.
I think Power Point Ranger might need to make a cartoon.
Behind the "Jimbo in combat" series
For those of you wondering why there is a spate of examples of my martial glory adorning the pages of BLACKFIVE, you can thank Michael Yon. His cones are all chafed that I have been commenting all over the media about wimmen in combat, and I guess he thinks I shouldn't. So he sent emails to me a...
Ishmael Holmes is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 23, 2011
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