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We love to creATe!
Recent Activity
Oh i'm so glad I went for a blog catch up today. I'm thrilled to meet Shira! After my JoshieBoy Cat died in October last year I wasn't sure I would ever be ready for new loves, but we adopted two kittens in July and they have completely taken over our lives and home and hearts. So glad to see you back in blog land x
Toggle Commented Dec 24, 2019 on Party animal....that's me! at woolythyme
Hi Winnie I am currently knitting the brushed fleece version and don't want to sell the book, but as it is out of print, I'm pretty sure I can scan and email you the pattern. Regards Caroline
Toggle Commented Aug 12, 2019 on A hoody for summer at Creating Memories
I'm not sure I could love those little deer any more! Oh my heart just popped x
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2019 on A week of finishings at Little Cotton Rabbits
1 reply
I love these dressing the team posts, and I how each persons personal style shows through in what they choose. Also love the inclusion of all body types.
Toggle Commented May 22, 2019 on dressing the team: boiler suits! at Oh Joy!
Hahahahahaha have fun!
Toggle Commented Oct 23, 2018 on my mom got a new phone.... at woolythyme
Such a lovely assortment of LCR creations. This week I have been out walking at lunch time which has made me very happy!
Toggle Commented Oct 19, 2018 on Time for a giveaway at Little Cotton Rabbits
1 reply
what a fabulous walk! The only thing I like about Autumn is the fungi, I have an (slightly obsessive) fascination with it, ha.
Toggle Commented Oct 17, 2018 on A proper autumn walk at Little Cotton Rabbits
1 reply
I don't have kids so it's always just been family children I have bought for, and I usually asked the parents if there was something specific that they needed (something useful and not toys!). This year I took my Goddaughter (turning 9) out for lunch, and to buy a gift, a few weeks before her birthday. She chose a few books and got to choose where we went for lunch. It was a much nicer way of celebrating her birthday, and we'll be doing this going forward. Wish I had thought of it years ago!
What a great selection of home sewn lusciousness!
Toggle Commented Sep 5, 2018 on (school) duds at SouleMama
1 reply
Those headbands are fabulous! And the Carbeth....I'm so tempted too.
Toggle Commented Aug 17, 2018 on following my mojo..... at woolythyme
Oh these are fabulous! Thank you x
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2018 on New Patterns at Little Cotton Rabbits
1 reply
Oh dear. Sending you and your mom a big hug and a better day xx
Toggle Commented Aug 3, 2018 on I made my mom cry..... at woolythyme
How is your carpel tunnel? I've recently tried Portuguese knitting after battling for some months with long purl rows. Long knit rows are fine and short rows of both are fine, but I had terrible tingling and numbness after a long purl row. The Portuguese knitting started very slow but over this past week I am getting better and faster. It's worth a try if you're still suffering. x
Toggle Commented Aug 3, 2018 on in progress at SouleMama
1 reply
it's a strange sensation to open a blog and see the image of a shawl that is almost identical to the shawl you are wearing at that very moment! I love these colours! Just a pit you had to deal with smurf hands!
Oh that does look like a great knitting spot!
Toggle Commented Jul 16, 2018 on Long hot summer at Little Cotton Rabbits
1 reply
It really suits you! I actually like the colour but a grey would go with so much more so yes, a dye job would do the trick. Did you mention the pattern? I must go look again.
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2018 on sad summer sweater..... at woolythyme
I love the heat, so not sure I chose to move to the UK from a hot and humid Durban, South Africa. Although we are having a mini heat wave here and I'm loving it! My Capetonian husband didn't cope with Durban, as Cape Town has a much drier heat. Sorry you aren't having a good time with it xx
Oh that last photo is fabulous. I'm thinking country file 2019 calendar!! Congratulations to Any for finishing school and best of luck for Uni come September.
1 reply
Aak, you sure do sound frustrated! I will attempt to send you some mojo from across the pond x
Toggle Commented Jun 13, 2018 on Surely this won't happen again.... at woolythyme
Haha, that face is just too cute!
Toggle Commented Jun 12, 2018 on I'm!HOME!from!camp!!!!... at woolythyme
This is SO exciting!! I would really like to know your process for how you decide what style house to build. This is such an amazing way to get exactly what you want out of a house, but how do you decide what you actually want? So looking forward to watching your progress!
Toggle Commented Jun 12, 2018 on BIG NEWS! We're building a house! at Oh Joy!
Whenever I don't feel like knitting, I go into the kitchen and get my cleaning bucket out. Then I quickly pack it away because my mojo makes a quick and sudden reappearance, ha! I do hope it returns soon but in the mean time we don't mind more bee photos x
I love this idea! Zero waste wrapping, fabulous Joy
Oh goodness, a robin on your toe!! I would have passed out with delight, hahahaha. How lovely
Toggle Commented May 14, 2018 on Fledglings at Little Cotton Rabbits
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