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Interests: Hard tails, warm nights and frost-free pints.
Recent Activity
If your local beer store doesn't carry it, you'll have to try
a specialty store like Total Wine & Beverage
. Usually, you can special
order just about any brew from your local beer store and
Smuttynose is a fairly popular brand, so they shouldn't have
any trouble getting'll just have to wait a few
days to excite your taste buds.
If you ever get a hold of any, let me know if you like it by
posting a comment on goclipless. Thanks for your support!!
J Vic
Graham's Glass Slipper
So, here we are spending a lazy day at GC Headquarters when Betty shows with a cardboard full of Smuttynose Pumpkin Ale. Then it all started. "I really like this beer!" Those were the words Gman uttered over and over. "I really like this beer!" and over. "I really like this beer!" After eve...
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