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Ivan Milovanovic
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Ivan Milovanovic is now following Lily Iris
Dec 28, 2009
Ivan Milovanovic is now following Account Deleted
Dec 28, 2009
Ivan Milovanovic is now following Harry
Dec 28, 2009
Ivan Milovanovic is now following MrGhaz
Dec 28, 2009
a game?, only a full 3D virtual reality would be the right one.
I think if they ever release the game half as good as the movie my wife will divorce me
James Cameron did it again! Avatar is not the best...
James Cameron did it again! Avatar is not the best movie ever, it's not the best movie of the decade, year or even a month, why? Simply because: 1. there is nothing like it to compare it with, and 2. the world (Pandora) and the story is far from original I don't have to spend much time on the fir...
Don't know where mr. Cameron got the idea, but if you read The Word for World is Forest from Ursula Le Giun, you will get the answer.
where did you get the idea of the connecting organ
where did you get the idea of the connecting organ
it is a movie and a great one, in years to come there will be more like this one (I hope), and there will be something to compare it with.
Right now, this one stands in its own territory, the one of the kind, astonishing accomplishment.
But, in order to be a full masterpiece it would need a better, more original story and fantasy world, it is hard to make one, so they played safe, that was my point. I didn't want to criticize at all.
If you read Word for the World is Forest, you will see that however you call the planet (in the book) it is actually Pandora you just saw: one big, connected living being, everyone living in harmony and balance;
James Cameron did it again! Avatar is not the best...
James Cameron did it again! Avatar is not the best movie ever, it's not the best movie of the decade, year or even a month, why? Simply because: 1. there is nothing like it to compare it with, and 2. the world (Pandora) and the story is far from original I don't have to spend much time on the fir...
James Cameron did it again! Avatar is not the best...
James Cameron did it again! Avatar is not the best movie ever, it's not the best movie of the decade, year or even a month, why? Simply because: 1. there is nothing like it to compare it with, and 2.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2009 at AVATAR
Ivan Milovanovic is now following AVATAR
Dec 20, 2009
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can...
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2009 at Ivan Milovanovic's blog
Ivan Milovanovic is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 20, 2009
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