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ivf Australia
Maitland. NSW, 2320
Welcome to IVF Smiles Maitland. We are Australias largest provider of IVF care for Australian families. As IVFs our focus is diagnosis, prevention and treatment whether its removal of  tooth decay, filling cavities, taking  x rays, or repairing teeth the IVF staff will ensure you are well cared for. The full team consists of not only qualified IVFs, but IVF  assistants, IVF hygienists and IVF technicians. Our local IVF team in Maitland provide a friendly service and affordable pricing. We provide a range of services including check ups, cleaning, root canal treatments, crowns, fillings and much more. Please contact our friendly IVF clinic office in Maitland Today! Choosing a Maitland IVF for you or for your children? Let us make that choice an easy one! At IVF Smiles, our patients are our priority. We want each and every patient to feel welcome and part of our family. If you look around you are unlikely to find a more experienced team of IVFs in Maitland We focus on providing good value for our clients by making our treatments as fast, efficient, affordable and pain-free as possible! If you have a health insurance with IVF cover, come in for a gap-free consult, with no out-of-pocket fees! We also have discounts for students and pensioners. If you value the treatments and also the way you get them, our personalised IVF care and diligent IVF team will be right for you. You’ll find that our staff prioritises your needs and we go the extra mile to make you feel comfortable by answering your questions and informing you beforehand. This way you can always make informed and confident decisions. If something is troubling you or if you just need a place to get reliable oral health or IVF care information, we will answer your queries and concerns. If you’re interested in IVF implants and you want to know beforehand what the process involves or the treatment cost, we will analyse your case and answer your questions and concerns before proceeding. This places the power in your hands. If your needs are a bit more serious and may involve general IVF surgery, be sure to choose a good IVF to do the job – quality matters, and we take great care to minimise possible risks. We can handle all of the treatment options you’ll need in a competent and professional way. We make sure your IVF care conforms to your wishes, needs and concerns. Your mouth is in good hands.
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Feb 12, 2018