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I'm a strategic Internet consultant, specializing in social media, online communities and conversation marketing.
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Yesterday I read an interesting article on LinkedIn by Lou Adler suggesting that traditional job descriptions are anti-talent. It resonated. Today I saw a job posting on LinkedIn for an unspecified anonymous company that consults to large companies, helping them... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2013 at Isabel Walcott Draves
I lately suffered a cruel reminder that social media is meant for people, not bots. If you live under a rock and don't know what a bot is, it's a program that automatically does something online, like post to someone's... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2012 at Isabel Walcott Draves
These are eyelashes!
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2011 on Those prickly eyebrows at Junk Charts
I agree with the main premise of this post and would call it an essential feature of being an entrepreneur. However I really must take issue with your statement that *employees* should be raising rejectable ideas 50-80% of the time. Employees like this get fired. You and your fellow entrepreneurial-minded types might wish your employees were more like this, but in most established companies, in most positions, people like this get fired. You're not supposed to have a better idea than the boss about how to run stuff. Most bosses want followers, not leaders. So the reason people don't do it more often is not because they're timid but because they're smart. They want to keep their jobs and not have the rest of the crowd think they're crazy. They know that the best way to get ahead is to have one good idea about every year of so and keep their mouth shut most of the time. Then they're stuck in that mindset. This culture builds on itself until you have a nation of lemmings. But your advice still stands for anyone in the startup environment, anyone who wants to "be their own person", and anyone with job security, such as CEOs.
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Mar 15, 2010