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New York New York
I create art or is art creating me?
Interests: photographer, reader, artist, fashion stylist. scuba diver, and will ask the questions!
Recent Activity
LIfe and the end of the day
Okay, I've been over the rainbow and back, I think, well, closer than before. It's been a rough couple of weeks, some good, some sad, the rest I am going to chalk up to learning.
I wake up and the first thing that I say to myself is " Well, still here" might as well see what kind of ' chocolate mess ' I can make today.
So lets see, I showed my art to a few potential clients and maybe this gallery will like me, and I played mannypopins for a few days. I've no sons or daughters of my own, but I've changed a diaper or two in my day.
My Dear friends have a 3 month old boy and I am so mad for him, its been a long time since there's been a baby around, most of my friends children are now teens or off to university.
You know how it goes, your friends go from having mod apartments to having kid stuff all over the place, mod meets child I suppose you'd call it.
I don't have children of my own, thats not to say I don't have kids, my friends kids are like my own since I've known them and been around them since birth, and I have friends whom are kids in adult costumes.
I, myself can be quite child like, although my thoughts of having a temper tantrum at Cartier screaming at the top of my lungs, I want it and I'm going to hold my breath until you give me that watch, won't work out the way it does in my "wonderful world of charlisney imagination.
Where I get what I want and some candy and driver to take me home with the packages from my meltdown.
No,I imagine security and lovely white jacket that is not from Gucci would somehow show up, and somewhere the police would be called.
But, if your an infant you have a meltdown, you rush to figure out how can I make you happy, so I'm thinking that I need to take the baby to Cartier.................. come on it's a nice watch.
The sad part is another friend is in hospital. A real shame, another nice guy just took the wrong path................ more to come
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Posted May 14, 2010 at Is that a skirt your wearing?
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May 3, 2010
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May 3, 2010
I have at times gotten confused, I mean, well, I...
I have at times gotten confused, I mean, well, I worked in TV for most of my life and after years of shooting holidays. I guess, I better explain this. Shooting (filming) requires you (me) to be at the very least six months ahead of the rest of the world.... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2010 at Is that a skirt your wearing?
Alive today
Welcome to the world, er, my world anyway. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Charles and I am weird, odd and anything but normal, Not that I have any clue as to normal. Whatever that is, I kind of like the look on a persons face when they are in... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2010 at Is that a skirt your wearing?
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