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I found out today that the guy I was really into has a girlfriend. I can't believe I got played! A part of me is pissed at myself because I actually let this guy in. After years of working through my trust issues, I thought this guy was stand up... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2011 at the optimistic realist
happy new year...
I don't do resolutions, officially. I think if you want to do something, you should just do it. So, the things that I want to do just happen to coincide with the new year. A lot of people I know run. As in, a hobby sport sense. We even have... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2011 at the optimistic realist
jessamine is now following blink_lu
Oct 24, 2010
jessamine is now following Garth Webb
Sep 12, 2010
jessamine is now following AmandaQ
Sep 12, 2010
After a morning spent waiting in several queues to see a doctor and get some blood drawn, this made me chuckle. I have to say that I haven't had these issues with UPS or USPS. Maybe it's a Midwest thing, but if I call with a problem, I usually get my problem resolved within a day or less.
So whatever happened to package #2?
Operator, operator, operator
I messed up. Twice. Two weeks ago I ordered something and gave my work address, which is on 3rd street, but I put down 4th street instead. I realized my problem when I looked up my tracking number and found the delivery had failed. I called up the national UPS line to see if I could correct ...
Please, please, please submit this story and notes to:
I am hated
I am hated. Despised. Virtually spit upon. All because of my car. Yesterday morning I drove in to work (which I don't often do), and parked on the side street next to the office. This is the almost "free" street; it has 1 hour parking limit but they rarely check for it. After a long day at ...
Is that Pedobear on your shirt?
Super star sun glasses
This morning, a mess of glitter and cellophane strips were all that was left of this Friday's Foo Bar. Thanks for the party favors Kimmie!
I hate to break it to you, the secret ingredient to cookies (or any baked good) is bacon. That's what I jokingly tell my friend Shravan when I bring baked goods anyway. ;)
Dear United Airlines
I ordered the vegetarian meal for this flight as I always do. For both meals provided, I noticed that everyone else got flavored yogurt (strawberry, blueberry, etc), while I received plain yogurt of exactly the same brand. I would have understood if my meal had been Mediterranean or somehow co...
Garth, what shall we do with you? Is there a way to create an email reminder to pay before the due date? I must admit, I've also done this a couple of times. To give myself ample opportunity to pay on time, I set up an email reminder that I have a bill and then another to pay one week before the due date. There's something about the multiple nagging emails that help.
Cost savings through forgetfulness
The bill for my auto insurance was placed in a very visible area near the front door so I wouldn't forget it. Open, unfolded and deloused of any extra marketing material, it sat on my shoe rack where I sit every morning before work and put on my shoes. A simple single sheet. The alarm I had o...
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