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Jack Con
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Jack Con added a photo at Streetsy
People in Ireland have joined millions of people worldwide repaying unjust and illegitimate ‘debts’. Ireland’s repayments of the now dead Anglo-Irish Bank’s debts could reach over €47 billion by 2031 if the repayments are not suspended! That’s over €26,000 per working person. The debts run up by the former Anglo-Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide Building Society (which we are simply calling ‘Anglo’) are not the responsibility of people living in Ireland – they are the responsibility of those who lent recklessly to Anglo. Yet we have been saddled with repaying the debts through so-called ‘promissory notes’, of which the next, amounting to €3.1 billion, falls due on 31st March. Such payments are to continue for years to come – until the 2030s! This money could and should be used to maintain and expand public services and provide a desperately needed stimulus to the depressed economy. We call on the government to immediately stop these repayments and to enter into negotiations with the relevant parties (including the European Central Bank) – to ensure that this unjust debt is written down. Please write to your local TDs requesting that they take urgent action on this issue. Visit your TD constituency office and clinics during their opening hours and tell your TDs how these repayments affect your life and your community and that you do not consent to them!
Jan 22, 2012
Jack Con is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 22, 2012