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Jackie Hall
Recent Activity
Hi Allan, this is Jade's friend Jackie. Just wanted to let you know that your blog is so very funny and I await with anticipation for the next batch of eateries to be added with your hilarious comments. PS: I hope my apostrophes are in the correct place!!!!! Love Jackie xx
Sarah's Tuck-In, Grainger Market, Newcastle
Sarah's has already been covered in the excellent eggbaconchipsandbeans back in 2005. It's pleasing to see that it's still with us and hasn't changed a bit. There's something special about the light in the Grainger Market on a sunny morning, like a swimming pool filled with air. Went there wit...
Jackie Hall is now following Eileen Sutherland
Aug 6, 2011
Jackie Hall is now following Allan Sutherland
Aug 6, 2011
Jackie Hall is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 6, 2011
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