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That just doesn`t make sense. Low paid staff do not need there pay frozen. That cannot be justified when you have NHS trust CEO`s on two hundred thousand pounds a year. If your going to freeze people at the bottom then do something about those at the top at least.
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Its not just that is that the policy will not work. If people know that if they commit burglar for instance and will not go to jail they will do it. It is a policy that will increase crime not decrease it.
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I am afraid we will never stand a chance of winning the world cup until we cut back the amount of foreign players in the Premier league. It is as you say stopping home grown talent getting opportunities to play at the highest level. I also think that we have to get away from this notion that foreign managers are the best and appoint an English manager like Roy Hodgson who has done really well with Fulham. I agree with your views about the nasty side of football. I was just reading of an attack on a German in Essex by a yob wearing an England shirt. I often think that the overt nationalism and tribal feelings it brings out in people does breed violence and aggression.
Toggle Commented Jun 19, 2010 on Saturday 19th June 2010 at ConservativeHome
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Hit the poor, help the well off! Says it all about the Tory party really!!!
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Don`t think you have to be Einstein to work out that when people enter a partnership they enter it with the common purpose of making it work. You do not get married to obtain a divorce!
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Why is it that some politicians are so very skilful at making complete fools of themselves.
Toggle Commented May 15, 2010 on Saturday 15th May 2010 at ConservativeHome
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The thing I like about Sarah Teather is that she has guts. She has cut her teeth at a very young age in a very poor part of London where politics is a very tough business.She has a lot of get and and go attitude about her and is obviously a very hard worker. She is someone who could do very well in government.
Toggle Commented May 15, 2010 on Fuller list of junior appointments at thetorydiary
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Joanne Cash failed to win her seat because she stood up to people who thought that a wives place was in the home.Some of the comments that I have read that some of the women in that association said about her were dreadful. They showed that still in a lot of associations there are still many living with the attitudes and beliefs of nineteen forties Britain.
Toggle Commented May 15, 2010 on Fuller list of junior appointments at thetorydiary
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The Conservative Party shouldn`t fear David Miliband but they should his brother Ed. He is very bright, has a nice personality and could make a very impressive leader.
Toggle Commented May 15, 2010 on Saturday 15th May 2010 at ConservativeHome
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I agree totally.This will go down as the biggest mistake since the dangerous dogs act!
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What I am saying is that if you put this sort of thing into law innocent people will die and when that happens there will be such a stink about it that the government will inevitably backtrack.This sort of thing is a minefield which I think is better left how it is. The present laws if interpreted with a degree of common sense by judges are sufficient to deal with these sort of instances.
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This will last until the first person has been killed because of it and the government will have to act once again. The laws are already there to deal with these sort of cases and really do not need to be changed. The government are basically playing with fire on this one.
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Oh dear another EU obsessive living in la la land!
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I agree.You can always judge when you are right in politics when you look at the people who oppose you.
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You are just a complete twat!
Toggle Commented May 14, 2010 on Friday 14th May 2010 at ConservativeHome
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I think you also have to do this where public sector managers are concerned as well.The chief exective of my local hospital is on two hundred thousand punds a year and has just been given a bonus of twenty thousand pound. This is outrageous and needs to stop.
Toggle Commented May 14, 2010 on Why cuts must start from the top at CentreRight
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I agree. There has to be new thinking in the policy towards Scotland not just for the good of the union but if the party is to get over the hurdle that its past and its reputation gives it in Scotland. Personally I would like to see the Scottish Party become fully independent of the national party as well which would also help I think.
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Railways are the least pollutting form of travel. We need to expand our railways to help not just get planes out of the sky but cars off the road as well.We must try to re-establish many of the local railways in places like Norfolk and Devon and Cornwall that were destroyed by the crazy policy of Doctor Beeching.It is really possible to do this with quite a number of lines and it would benefit the environment if we did it.
Toggle Commented May 14, 2010 on Transforming green policy making at CentreRight
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I congratulate you on an excellent post. I think until we stop thinking that we always have to grow and expand we will never manage to protect our countryside and wildlife for the future generations to enjoy. Conservation should be at the centre of all conservative thinking and I have never understood why conservatives have let the left have a monopoly on green thinking for so long.I think its because the party has been so obsessed with money that they have forgot that life is about more than that. What is the point of having loads of money when you never hear a bird sing or enjoy the sight of rolling green fields in the countryside.David Cameron and the leadership do seem to understand this and I think we will see green issues taken seriously by this new coalition government.
Toggle Commented May 14, 2010 on Transforming green policy making at CentreRight
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I agree. Unfortuantely until the right come to there senses on this issue, accept we have a problem and come forward with some policies of there own then they will simply not be taken seriously.
Toggle Commented May 14, 2010 on Transforming green policy making at CentreRight
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