Jacque Chinnery’s Favorites
Blog: Diana Trout's blog
Playing with the lovelies An orchestra of pattern Pulling you in on one path and out an unexpected route. And these from the Paper Source To make this A photo of the lovebirds to be added on the cover
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Blog: Diana Trout's blog
These pieces were included in the Begin portion of One Year. Quilty, hand(led), stitched. They feel personal. Holding the art while making it. With both hands, front and back.
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happy SEPTEMBER! a little peek inside my MESSY and playful studio. I've been busy creating and painting for my INSCRIBED e-course, sending handmade goodies, getting ready for The Creative Connection, making colorful palettes, editing video for my new book, designing...
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Blog: Diana Trout's blog
Piling stones is a meditative practice. You must slow down, think of balance and strength. They will tumble down. Watch them Then a contour drawing of a cairn. This is a lovely image on Flickr Your comments are inspiring and so thoughtful. If you are reading them, you know this.
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Blog: Diana Trout's blog
I'm drawn to certain new images in my artwork. Lately, the moon (during the day), zen stone piles (I forget what they are called), stones and pebbles and houses built of stone and rock like the ones I saw in Italy and these, called il Trullo. I wrote some more...
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