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The idea that all countries are still developing is an interesting way to think about development. I also agree that development is too focused on GDP and economic growth as the main measure of progress. But as you mentioned, can we really consider politically oppressive countries "developed"?
Bill Easterly discussed a similar idea at the DRI conference last week. He warned about the perception of autocrats as being successful. He noted that despite the overwhelming positive reports regarding autocratic regimes, in reality, they are failing to develop equitable and sustainable societies.
Definition Of Development
Development is the uplifting of the human condition, enabling all the citizens of a country to live in an environment free of random acts of violence, have access to learn the latest knowledge, not to suffer food shortages and to be able to use the latest medical technology to cure basic ailment...
It's true that development is not immune to the theory and practice battle. It is hard to know a person's or company's true intentions when they engage in development work. But you are make a good point that if the ideas and the policies behind the work are genuine the project has a chance of sustainability.
Development - a measured dose of nobility and cruelty
I view development as an enterprise undertaken freely by individuals, institutions, nations and other entities, to solve a social, political or economical problem that the disadvantaged is unable to solve due to lack of resources. Development is an instrument often used by those who are privile...
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Jan 23, 2011
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Jan 23, 2011
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