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San Francisco, CA
Recent Activity
And the best part is that it tastes as amazingly good as it looks! Thanks for a great night guys!
This is a dish my friend Jean-Luc cooked for us on...
This is a dish my friend Jean-Luc cooked for us on Saturday night. Asparagus cream, with the heads, with smoked salmon and salmon eggs. Incredible.
Jagnola is now following Alex Deve
Nov 23, 2009
Ridiculous...What will be Gainsbarre without his Gitanes?
Serge Gainsbourg (Vie héroïque) poster ban from the metro in Paris
via You will not see this poster in the French Metro if you happen to be in Paris. Because of the presence of smoke (and cigarette), it has been ban from being shown on the walls of the underground transportation.
Even the wine is French :-) Any marrow bones left for me?
Pot au feu for dinner - heaven!
Jagnola is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 23, 2009
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