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Jake Matthews
Tuxedo Park, New York
Licensed Realtor in Tuxedo, NY and Hudson Valley
Interests: Real Estate
Recent Activity
@ Mary - Thanks so much for the good wishes. That's an amazing story that you were pregnant and didn't know it yet. Wow! I'll say hi to Dad for you.
@Kate! Thank you for the good wishes - Hope to see you T, P and the family soon!
Why I'm Running the NYC Marathon 2010
This year my wife and I will run the 2010 ING NYC Marathon. A lot of people ask my why I am running the race and I respond that "it started out as a 'dare' gone awry". Explaining further I tell them that 18 months ago, my wife mentioned she was going to train for the NYC Marathon with her frie...
Jake Matthews is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hi Shana,
Yeah, it's fun to think about SEO astrology. I'm glad that Helen posted it. Thanks for visiting!
SEO Gemini
Brent Csutoras posted today commenting on being a social media scorpio based on Helen Overland's post at Search Engine People about the Zodiac sings of celeb SEO's. Helen's post is a lot of fun! I'm not a celeb by any means, but it's fun to think about your sign and your profession. I'm not ...
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