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James Falk
Recent Activity
Notes from "How to be a People Magnet"
Notes from “How to Be a People Magnet: Finding Friends—and Lovers—and Keeping Them for Life” 1. Friends, Lovers, and Business Proteges – all three are very important connections to make 2. Eliminate the FUD Factor (that is Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) from your life 3. When you say something, be... Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2011 at James Falk's blog
Surely there must be a customer in between "if I...
Surely there must be a customer in between "if I collect enough cans I can get you $100 deposit by next Friday" and "I have all three of your premium services plus all of your competitors and I write that off as a business expense"...surely there must. Big fat greedy... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2011 at James Falk's blog
I'm thinking about starting a MeetUp group called...
I'm thinking about starting a MeetUp group called "Scottsdale Informal Business Network" ... screw the conventionalities of formality, mandatory ties, meeting at expensive resteraunts/resorts, requiring the bendover and cough approach to getting business done essentially... cheaper, better, faster, simpler, and more accessible to the common small business folk, that should... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2011 at James Falk's blog
James Falk is now following Scott Fox, Click Millionaires
May 31, 2011
James Falk is now following The Typepad Team
May 31, 2011
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