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you guys looked awesome! James
Santa Skivvies Success
Santa Skivvies was a fantastic success. Thank you to everyone who came out for some fun, fun, fun. Thank you to everyone to supported our team and generously donated. We raised over $2,300. Our fund raising goal was $1000. You guys are the best! The event fund raising goal was $50,000. As ...
"...or looking for some action"?!
Wonder who wrote that? LOL
Labor Day Holiday
For the holiday weekend schedule, the gym will be closed on Sunday and Monday. If you aren't resting over the weekend and looking for some action, Jeannette is doing a bootcamp on Ocean Beach Monday morning. Meeting point is Balboa St. and the Great Highway, it runs from 10-11:30. If you are ta...
CRAP. Drank of these at Starbucks in Fairfiled after a meeting yesterday. Got a huge headache immediately afterwards. WORD! ****
Can't make it today, Friday, but doing Thursday's WOD at the apartment gym, improvising ring push ups. See you on Saturday , Bianca wants to do conditioning + xfit! Here we go... ;-)
Sometimes I forget that we live in a bubble. In Crossfit, we are surrounded by people who go out of their way everyday, who work hard and aren't afraid to sweat. These same people go out of their way to eat well and fuel their bodies in the best way possible to get the results they want. What...
that one was a special bit of hell. ;-) james
July 5th
Happy Independence Day everyone, I hope you had a great holiday. WOD 7-5-12 15 Minute AMRAP 15 Box Jumps 24/20" 10 Toes to Bar 5 Overhead Squats 115/85 ************ 5-5-5 Deadlift
Will be there, just back from SUNNY Arizona. =)
Cherry Picking
Sometimes posting the workout the night before is a curse more than a blessing. I have noticed a lot of people will cherry pick their WODs, sometimes choosing to go to another class if the workout looks like no fun or is too tough. It is important to attend CrossFit regularly to get the most ben...
Betch stole my look. ;-)
See you there.
It's Wednesday, which means time for another benchmark. Wednesday also brings the announcement of 12.2 of the CrossFit Open. I am very curious to know what is coming up next. But for now, we have a date with Barbara. WOD 2-29-12 Barbara 5 Rounds: 20 Pullups 30 Pushups 40 Situps 50 Squats Rest 3 ...
Shoulda come in for this WOD so as to officially begin my Crossfit journey! No matter, looking fwd to beginning this week, new shoes and everything. =) JM
Sectionals 11.2
It's Saturday. That means we are continuing our review of the 2011 Open WODs in preparation for 2012. Next up, 11.2 WOD 1-28-12 AMRAP 15 min: 9 Deadlifts 155/100# 12 Push-ups (Hand release) 15 Box jumps 24"/20"
JamesJetsOften is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 29, 2012
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