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Growing older doesn't always mean growing wiser but I think you are doing both, though you don't look it };^) .
Toggle Commented Aug 23, 2012 on What Is Our Family About? at Mom and Pastor on Edge
Thanks Lisa I need a prayer some times and I like to read your posts for a few good words to brighten my day.
Toggle Commented Jun 13, 2012 on Walk In Your Ways at Mom and Pastor on Edge
perhaps you can have a word with my belly
Toggle Commented May 9, 2012 on First Thighs at Mom and Pastor on Edge
well I hope your sale goes well. I have never though having a garage sale is very fun but if the product of the effort is worth it enjoy the once in a lifetime experience.
well I know a little about putting three boys to bed but two and girl I don't have much to go on. for JJ I sang to him for like a year No joke amazing grace and silent night. I am not sure but it did affect him he loves silent night still.
Oh that we all must be aware and ready for the tearing of the heavens to know that our little selfish image of God is so much less than God really is. Thanks Lisa and Congrats on the new senior pastor.
I know where it went. Into the bright blue sky you can never seem to hold onto days when they are all warm and "nicey" they just seem to evaporate before you are done with them. again Congrats on the Bun in the oven and God bless your Markus (all the other Markus's as well I guess just to be sure) I have a little knowledge of being spouse-less.
Toggle Commented Oct 6, 2011 on A Busy Month. Now Quiet. at Mom and Pastor on Edge
HUmmm......cookies and Ice cream
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2011 on Backward Supper at Mom and Pastor on Edge
Well the yelling I get, and do, and receive often. I hope to be a better person a better parent but that old reptilian brain just screams SHUT UP AND GO TO BED. So you are at least among friends.
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2011 on Stop Yelling! at Mom and Pastor on Edge
Jamesjolene322 added a favorite at Mom and Pastor on Edge
Apr 15, 2011
Lisa wow I am so glad to read about your family. This post just lifts my spirit and makes me want to be a speech therapist.
Jamesjolene322 is now following Mom and Pastor on Edge
Mar 7, 2011
well glad you had a good Va-Ca and Welcome Back to March well I thought it was March but that inconvenient truth just keeps on giving. Have a Great Week *~
Toggle Commented Mar 8, 2011 on Back From Vacation at Mom and Pastor on Edge
Jamesjolene322 is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 23, 2010