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jamey j
Creative Life-Coach, Leader, Artist, Communicator, Dog-Lover, and Starbucks Addict.
Interests: Thanks for checking out my blog. Words that excite me: leading, serving, innovation, creativity, leadership, connection, teamwork, racial reconciliation, authenticity, grace, and emotional health. I am a husband, pastor, artist, communicator, creative life coach and founder of Purple Crayon Project.
Recent Activity
jamey j is now following Stephen Crawford
Mar 8, 2011
Need this post my brother more than you know.
The Art of Getting Rejected
I'm the king of getting rejected. For every one incredible "yes" I get, there are at least eight "no's." Yesterday was quite the monumental day for that. Three things are going on here: 1. God has a better plan. For God to carry out his better plan, he has to get rid of our mediocre plan. God pu...
Hey Ben, just wanted to tell you what a great job u do leading the Story Conferences. I'm a long-time-good friend of Scott Hodge and it was great to be on the "inside" at the first Story Conference held at The Orchard. Peace my brother!
Bags for STORY 2011
STORY is excited to partner with Nolan Bags this year. Every paid attendee at STORY 2011 will get one - all unique. The event website for STORY launches in late February, but our registration gateway is open. Prices go up after April 30.
jamey j is now following Scott Hodge
Apr 26, 2010
jamey j is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thanks for the heads up! I work an urban church community in Minneapolis. The only frustrating dilemma is that many urban churches would benefit off something like this...but that DANG COST things gets in the way sometimes.
A 4-Month Learning Experience
Beginning next month, Mark Waltz is entering a four-month journey with leaders whose responsibilities are focused on connections, volunteer involvement, group relationships, and spiritual growth. If you are a senior pastor or a pastor/director responsible for adult connections or assimilation min...
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