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Jane Plank
Recent Activity
Yet another reason why I love my church so much! Yay God! Yay Jesus! Yay GCC!
Post-Baptism Celebration
After the service I was able to get a picture of some of our friends from our South Bend Re-Entry Ministry. They were among the 182 baptized at the Granger campus this weekend. Joshua Jones runs point on our Sunday night services, and our ministry initiatives, at the Re-Entry Center. Sin...
Thanks for putting things into perspective. I'll be thinking of this one all day....just hopefully not in my dreams tonight!
One Week of Prayer Help / Video #3
Something to help you pray today. Warn the children.... We're supposed to be a "God Reflectors." We were made in God's image. My prayer concern today: "Is the way I'm living an accurate reflection of God's character, compassion and love?" Genesis 1:27 God created humans in his image. ...
Jane Plank is now following Mark Waltz
Mar 9, 2010
Jane Plank is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 9, 2010
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