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Janet Bagnall
Recent Activity
oh wow - I am going to have to try this. I love pears on my sandwiches and every time I add them, Jim just looks at me like I'm crazy. I have told him over and over to give it a try, but he won't :( but that's okay, that means more for me :) Thank you for passing this along, I am going to try it.
Toggle Commented May 25, 2013 on what's for lunch? at the simple things
1 reply
Oh Cindy, this is amazing. I love it !!!
Janet Bagnall is now following SweetMissDaisy
Mar 18, 2013
These are awesome Keri - I am glad you are feeling somewhat better and hope you continue to improve. I love the photo of everyone with their pretzels (looks like they are so big, it took over Lil's face - LOL)and the one with Adam & Emi. Can't wait for the next batch :) I have been showing your pictures to Jim, who was stationed in Germany for 4 years back in the '70s and he is reminiscing :) which is great because I can update his ARMY scrapbook better now :)
Oh, the fun of planning trips :) I hope you are able to see them all because I love seeing them with you guys.
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2013 on Germany Day 11 - Heat WAAAAAVE!!! at Pink Lemonade
Keri, it looks like you guys are having a lot of fun. You can see those big snowflakes in the picture Adam took - they are beautiful. I am enjoying your trip with you and appreciate you keeping us posted on your days there. Please tell E & C that Patrick says hey and can't wait to hear about it when they get back.
These are great Carly and again, just love the simplicity you are using to create your PL book. I will surely use this method and can't wait to see the photo book (I am so far behind on my past photos, so I am looking forward to see how you do it). ~~HUGS~~
1 reply
Leslie - I'm here to stay :) and am glad you're back. I love this card, it is so colorful and just lovely.
Toggle Commented Jan 14, 2013 on Tea and Roses at Running With Scissors...
Janet Bagnall is now following Charlene Austin
Apr 16, 2011
Keri - this is beautiful. I love the colors and the way you did the ribbon is just wonderful. I am going to have to look into that new die set from sizzix - it is gorgeous.
Toggle Commented May 1, 2010 on Beautiful Birthday Greetings at Pink Lemonade
Oh my goodness Keri - this is absolutely beautiful - I just love it. I have been meaning to tell you that I have worn my earrings you made me many times and always get the nicest compliments on them - you are extremely talented my friend.
Toggle Commented Apr 22, 2010 on Grunge goes Chic at Pink Lemonade
Janet Bagnall is now following Leslie Miller
Mar 28, 2010
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2010 at Life Full of Sunflowers's blog
Janet Bagnall is now following Broni
Jan 23, 2010
Janet Bagnall is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 23, 2010