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A wife, mother & proud American living in Scotland
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I've been IN the Newark airport many times on my way to and from the UK but never outside it! I like it, it's a nice airport, although my husband said, the first time he arrived in the US that it was the first time he ran across rude airport workers. Must have been those New Yawkers...
1 reply
I have to admit, I came to mysteries later than the rest of you all. I do, however, share the library experience and venturing into the adult section because I had read all the "kiddy" books. Up until my late teens and 20's I was more into historical romance (heavy on the historical light on the romance, please!) and to this day I don't think I've read a Nancy Drew book. My sister, however, voraciously read Sherlock Holmes which I turned my nose up at because I thought it was "unfair" that he knew more than I did and there was no way I could figure the mysteries out! I loved the Perry Mason series and then Ellery Queen came along and suddenly I was reading mysteries in the Ellery Queen magazine. Almost simultaneously I discovered Agatha Christie because I've always been an Anglophile and then there was no turning back! For some reason, in my 30's, as a young wife and mother I went off romances and murder mysteries seemed to appeal more (go figure--I dunno why...). Now I rarely read anything other than cozy, historical or cooking mysteries (recipes included, 2 treats in one!) Best wishes on the success of the bookstore. I always thought that would be a dream job too! Wish I were closer to come in and browse! Janet McCord
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Hooray! And Hail! These are wonderful suggestions and I would support them all if asked (ok, if you can be Emperor I can imagine my own self-importance, ok?). I especially love #3 since I've gotten my Kindle. Also, as a funny sidelight to #1 I recently saw a TV channel here in the UK advertising themselves as the "No. 1 Terrestrial Channel". opposed to?? And how do I subscribe to the extra-terrestrial channel?
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Apr 9, 2011
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Apr 9, 2011