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Jani665 is now following nik
Nov 26, 2013
Jani665 is now following Arashi Translations Index
Nov 26, 2013
maybe the press covered the event at 5:00 pm and the nino's birthday celebration held in the morning...
I just want to see it = (
thanks for the translation was very interesting
Terebi Weekly 2012.04.14 - Time Talk Trip
So... what else we have after Nino's birthday in June?? ^___^ Yeah! Today's is The day when he joined Jhonnys for the first time!!! He is already been a part of JE for 16 years! Woow! Congratulations! ^^ I'm glad I found this article talking about comparing his answer now and 14 years ago when h...
Jani665 added a favorite at Humz's blog
Jul 16, 2012
which means Kabachi
TV Life 2011.09.17 - part 1
Let's make the reader feels kyun! TL will answer the request from the reader to make them feel kyun! So we got each member told us the secret of the others and also full of their friendship story that make you kyun! SHO SAKURAI Let’s expose member’s secret! Riida’s secret Basically he lives...
my heart was kyunn .. I like the translation
when speaking of others is fun
oh-chan and her clothes ... poor man upset about his style
Jun-kun I hope to see your muscles
I am translating Spanish. finish the part of sho-chan.. I need finish 4 more =)
TV Life 2011.09.17 - part 1
Let's make the reader feels kyun! TL will answer the request from the reader to make them feel kyun! So we got each member told us the secret of the others and also full of their friendship story that make you kyun! SHO SAKURAI Let’s expose member’s secret! Riida’s secret Basically he lives...
thank you very much
for answering
I had not noticed your answer XD are so distracted
this is my account
I am Chilean
I met arashi by hanadan
From there, I love them grows grows
Already more than three years
5 people that are so special, are my joy each day
and thanks to people like you who translate into English
I can know more about them
your translations are very good
I will work hard to translate into Spanish your work
I am happy to provide me your translation
私 は 努め て いきます
Osarai Talk - TV Life 03.19
The main Point Living for 365 days 24 hours of Sato Ryuuta NINOMIYA X MATSUMOTO N : Jun-kun co-starred together with Ryuuta-kun in dorama [Bambino] too, right. J : He was really nice at location. The air around him was gentle and it was enjoyable talking with him. N : You talked something ...
thank you very much for the images
are very nice
Arashi FC 2010 Autumn
credt: rossemry
hello hana
and I love ARASHI
I was reading your translations
and did a great job
I would like to use your work to translate it into Spanish
thank you very much
Osarai Talk - TV Life 03.19
The main Point Living for 365 days 24 hours of Sato Ryuuta NINOMIYA X MATSUMOTO N : Jun-kun co-starred together with Ryuuta-kun in dorama [Bambino] too, right. J : He was really nice at location. The air around him was gentle and it was enjoyable talking with him. N : You talked something ...
Jani665 is now following Account Deleted
Aug 27, 2011
Jani665 is now following Account Deleted
Aug 27, 2011
Jani665 is now following sableheart
Aug 16, 2011
Jani665 is now following 潤佳
Jul 11, 2011
Jani665 added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
May 18, 2011
Jani665 added a favorite at
May 18, 2011
Jani665 added a favorite at ~*~黄色い涙~*~
May 18, 2011
Jani665 is now following Cheryl
May 16, 2011
Jani665 added a favorite at My Fangirling Outlet
May 8, 2011
thanks for the photos
I hope that you are well
nino- chan .... evil dwarf that went with it
I was dead the whole chapter of laughter with what he did
the best special Hna
代々木と渋谷 その2
先日代々木で頂いたJタレントの名前が書かれていた紙の裏側の写メ頂きました そして嵐くんが買い物した新宿丸井アネックスにて嵐くんが着た服のマネキンが展示されてました メンズ館なのに女性ばっかだったとか (こちらも写メ頂きました) 智くんが購入したシャツ凄いらしいですよ(売り上げが!) 恐るべし嵐経済効果
Jani665 added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
Mar 29, 2011
Jani665 added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
Mar 24, 2011
Jani665 added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
Mar 21, 2011
Jani665 added a favorite at ~*~黄色い涙~*~
Mar 19, 2011
Jani665 added a favorite at Jenのトキメキ
Mar 10, 2011
Jani665 is now following la tormenta en el ombligo de la luna
Mar 8, 2011
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