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Jan Palmer
Recent Activity
oops sorry it posted my comment three times...and I don't know how to undo it :(
SCT Mystery Box Giveaway!
Don't you just love a title like that! Yes friends, we have a LOVELY box of goodies just for you! Want to know what is in there? Can't tell. What I can tell you is that it is 5 lbs. Oh yes, 5 lbs of goodness. Paper, embellishments, ribbon...oh my. It will feel like Christmas in March!...
I don't think I will be eligible to win, as 5 pounds of goodies would cost too much to send to me, but good luck to everyone, it sounds like a fantastic fun prize
SCT Mystery Box Giveaway!
Don't you just love a title like that! Yes friends, we have a LOVELY box of goodies just for you! Want to know what is in there? Can't tell. What I can tell you is that it is 5 lbs. Oh yes, 5 lbs of goodness. Paper, embellishments, ribbon...oh my. It will feel like Christmas in March!...
I don't think I will be eligible to win, as 5 pounds of goodies would cost to much to send to me, but good luck to everyone, it sounds like a fantastic fun prize
SCT Mystery Box Giveaway!
Don't you just love a title like that! Yes friends, we have a LOVELY box of goodies just for you! Want to know what is in there? Can't tell. What I can tell you is that it is 5 lbs. Oh yes, 5 lbs of goodness. Paper, embellishments, ribbon...oh my. It will feel like Christmas in March!...
I don't think I will be eligible to win, as pounds of goodies would cost to much to send to me, but good luck to everyone, it sounds like a fantastic fun prize
SCT Mystery Box Giveaway!
Don't you just love a title like that! Yes friends, we have a LOVELY box of goodies just for you! Want to know what is in there? Can't tell. What I can tell you is that it is 5 lbs. Oh yes, 5 lbs of goodness. Paper, embellishments, ribbon...oh my. It will feel like Christmas in March!...
Beautiful goodies...who ever wins will be thrilled to bits.
I love the bird cage
Prize Giveaway!
I just added the Google Friend Connect widget to my blog under my profile pic. Click on "Join this site" to become a member. Once I get to 5oo members one lucky winner will win the scrapbooking goodie pack shown here! Be sure to tell your friends. Good luck!! Also, I had some many inqui...
Beautiful gooies...who ever wins will be thrilled to bits.
I love the bird cage
Prize Giveaway!
I just added the Google Friend Connect widget to my blog under my profile pic. Click on "Join this site" to become a member. Once I get to 5oo members one lucky winner will win the scrapbooking goodie pack shown here! Be sure to tell your friends. Good luck!! Also, I had some many inqui...
Jan Palmer is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 25, 2010
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