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Jan Palmer
Recent Activity
oops sorry it posted my comment three times...and I don't know how to undo it :(
I don't think I will be eligible to win, as 5 pounds of goodies would cost too much to send to me, but good luck to everyone, it sounds like a fantastic fun prize
I don't think I will be eligible to win, as 5 pounds of goodies would cost to much to send to me, but good luck to everyone, it sounds like a fantastic fun prize
I don't think I will be eligible to win, as pounds of goodies would cost to much to send to me, but good luck to everyone, it sounds like a fantastic fun prize
Beautiful goodies...who ever wins will be thrilled to bits. I love the bird cage
Beautiful gooies...who ever wins will be thrilled to bits. I love the bird cage
Jan Palmer is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 25, 2010