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Jarmo Laakso
Recent Activity
Just listened this on my way to work this morning. Awesome, thanks.
84 War, Tournaments and Victory
We spend a bit of time in this episode having a bit of a catchup up - about arms, armour and armies, and about warfare for real and for pretend. Despite that we also find time to talk about the seeming final surrender of the Scots in 1305 - so how about that for value then? 84 War, Tournaments...
Brings to mind the military side of things. Could you try giving a bit of details again, of the bigger shifts in warfare as they come to bear. By now it's... armored cavalry and a whole bunch of spearmen, some bowmen plinking about? I think there was something like this early on... I really should listen these through again. Going to be bow/crossbow heavy soon and then gunpowder and other neat stuff, which really changes the way things work.
67 13th Century Life - the Peasantry
Over the 13th century, economic growth continued. For the Peasantry, this gave some opportunities; more chance to sell their produce and get involved in a wider range of money making ventures. It meant that population growth continued, since cottagers and wage earners were able to make enough to...
Great episode! How the carolingian empires collapse lead to the "real" holy roman empire was always a fuzzy mystery to me. This era is still a horribly tangled up mess (aren't they all), but at least something got cleared up!
55 The History of Medieval Europe, Part I
From Charles Martel and the battle of Tours in 732, through Charlemagne and Otto the Great, the first installment concentrates on France, Germany and Italy and takes us to the shores of Gregory VIIth. 55 The History of Medieval Europe Part 1 rm The Battle of Tours, 732 It is hotly debated as t...
Dan Carlins Hardcore History is awesome.
Not very many episodes available, but they tend to be on the long side.
Death throes of the republic is a particular favourite.
One of the favourites alongsides History of Rome and History of England.
Historical Podcasts you might like
Updated 10th June 2016 (* denotes new since last time - so you know if it's worth looking through them again! ). All the podcasts on this page in my humble opinion are well worth listening to. And I should say that does NOT mean that if they are not here they are not worth listening to! If you...
Jarmo Laakso is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 22, 2011
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