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Jason Colmer
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Barry decided now was not the right time to tell the swordmaker's highly-strung wife that the pole was stuck. A Tarot cartoon by Jason Colmer. Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2012 at Tarot Pals
Jason Colmer is now following Egypturnash
May 6, 2012
Jason Colmer added a favorite at Tarot Pals
May 6, 2012
Thank you for sharing such wonderful information, Amythyst. On Friday night I was speaking to a person who has a PhD in transpersonal therapy about how hard it was for her to find information on chakras with tarot - here it was the whole time!
Toggle Commented May 6, 2012 on Chakras & the Tarot at Tarot Pals
I shall begin my review of Tarot of the Silicon Dawn by Egypt Urnash with a short quiz: Tea or Vodka? Roses or Razors? Safe or Shameless? If you chose tea, roses and safety, you may be out of your comfort zone and here's why... Can you envisage a Tarot... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2012 at Tarot Pals
Flowers—we all love them (unless we have hayfever). It's time to test your knowledge—or at least your eyes. For your viewing pleasure, I have found pictures of the flowers that appear in the Universal Waite Tarot. I'm leaving it up to you to find the flowers on the cards.... are... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2012 at Tarot Pals
The Tarot Pals April Competition is here! Tell us what you'd like to see from the Tarot Pals team for a chance to win a 10-card reading as 1st prize, a 5-card reading as 2nd prize, and a 3-card reading as the 3rd prize. The Tarot Pals team will judge... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2012 at Tarot Pals
To clarify, when you ask for single spaces between sentences and double spaces between paragraphs, do you mean like this?: "First sentence of paragraph one. Second sentence of paragraph one. [4 lines between paragraphs] First sentence of paragraph two. Second sentence of paragraph two." or... "First sentence of paragraph one. Second sentence of paragraph one. [2 lines between paragraphs] First sentence of paragraph two. Second sentence of paragraph two." Basically, do you want 'double spaced' documents or 'single spaced' documents (for the purpose of this final question I'm pretending that we're all using manual typewriters)?
Jason Colmer added a favorite at Tarot Pals
Mar 14, 2012
Jason Colmer added a favorite at Tarot Pals
Mar 14, 2012
Aren't these experiences delightful! Unfortunately, there are people that come to you for a reading who have already decided it's a load of bulldust before their butt touches the chair. Two things will happen: 1) They will deny everything you say despite the fact they're trembling on the inside; or 2) You will draw a set of cards that mirror the client's present attitude. The cards will fight each other and refuse to cooperate. This can turn into one of those "sorry, I'm not getting anything so there's no charge for the reading" moments. John is so right in saying we should be prepared for as many types of readings as possible. Multiple spreads, multiple decks, multiple hairdos - whatever you feel will help. You should also be prepared that the question that comes from the client's mouth isn't always the question in their heart. The bottom line is that if the client is being evasive with their reason for coming to you, the cards will reflect this. The challenge for the reader is to see this as a sign to be more open and inviting to the client. Showing any sign of frustration will close the energy loop faster than you can say "please, take a seat."
Toggle Commented Mar 5, 2012 on What's Wrong with My Soul? at Tarot Pals
Jason Colmer added a favorite at Tarot Pals
Mar 4, 2012
Of course! Option 1: buy more thrusters. Option 2: Pick your first daily 'you' card later in the day. Option 3: Pick a new card whenever you feel the old card no longer applies, even if it takes a week for the old card to lose its relevance. There are times when I am utterly appalled at the thought of having to do something every single day. If you're the same, then don't. Do the exercise as often as it feels right, but do try to push yourself out of your comfort zone just a little. The rewards will be greater that way.
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2012 on What A Difference A Card Makes at Tarot Pals
Jason Colmer added a favorite at Tarot Pals
Mar 1, 2012
I'll drink to that.
On Monday morning I was sore. Very sore. I'd been suffering with an aching neck and upper back for nearly four days. After having had several difficult nights of no more than three hours sleep, I was bone tired and desperately needed a rest. If I had to pick a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2012 at Tarot Pals
If I don't go have a look, I might feel a bit regretsy.
Jet! You read my mind again (or I read yours). Two or three days ago I was trying to think how the Tarot could apply to domestic pets. And here is the answer.
The last ethical pothole is by far the most important.
Toggle Commented Feb 26, 2012 on WWWD: What Would Whitney Do? at Tarot Pals
Jason Colmer added a favorite at Tarot Pals
Feb 25, 2012
I know a few old biddies who would lose their dentures over this deck. It's a bit 'bumpy' ;-)
My illustrious TarotPals colleague (and editor!), Janet Boyer, wrote a juicy post titled 'Tarot Readings for Celebrities - Yea or Nay?' It is a very interesting topic indeed! It’s so interesting, I don’t know where to begin (despite having just done so). Please sit back and get comfortable, but before... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2012 at Tarot Pals
I weighed in but I was too heavy for the Comments box so I've written a post instead! :o)
Jason Colmer added a favorite at Tarot Pals
Feb 17, 2012
Jason Colmer added a favorite at Tarot Pals
Feb 17, 2012