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Jason Bruce
Recent Activity
Her best line was "answering the question was not about being politically correct but being Biblically correct."
Perez Hilton Vs. Miss California
I didn't use the picture in the post to imply that Perez (gay gossip blog) is Shamu. I used the picture because I thought it was cute. Honestly, I am not going to embed the now infamous initial rant video by Mr. Hilton (and curiously scrubbed from the Internet) because I think it is embarrass...
"World Peace" could have been an easy answer :)
Miss California stood up for her faith and what she believe at the cost of loosing the Miss USA crown. I think that's very admirable! Miss Runner Up title is not bad and surely a better crown awaits her eternally.
As for Perez Hilton (is that his real name?) he needs to grow up and learn some professionalism.
Perez Hilton Vs. Miss California
I didn't use the picture in the post to imply that Perez (gay gossip blog) is Shamu. I used the picture because I thought it was cute. Honestly, I am not going to embed the now infamous initial rant video by Mr. Hilton (and curiously scrubbed from the Internet) because I think it is embarrass...
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