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Thanks, that makes me feel better about pre-ordering now!
The Spring Is Here!
The spring is upon us and it's the best time to get a healthy dose of optimism from Mother Nature... Since our last update, we rushed through three silicone injection iterations: T3, T4 and T5. There's been a dramatic improvement in the mould. We're now experimenting with various silicone pigmen...
I know the o2 sensor is coming soon. Is the sensor in this model and just not active yet?
The Spring Is Here!
The spring is upon us and it's the best time to get a healthy dose of optimism from Mother Nature... Since our last update, we rushed through three silicone injection iterations: T3, T4 and T5. There's been a dramatic improvement in the mould. We're now experimenting with various silicone pigmen...
Jasonbillups is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 21, 2015
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