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Paul - I am catching up a bit on my Google Reader stuff tonight, and I came across this post. Of course, I knew about this move of yours a few weeks before you posted this. :) I hope to have some opportunities to collaborate with you, or perhaps to hire you for an event or multiple events in the future. Kudos to you for this big move, and I think it will pay off for you in a big way.
Striking Out On My Own for Parts Known and Unknown
I've been hinting on Twitter and Facebook that I'd be making a big announcement today. Well, here it is. I'm leaving Bizzuka, the company I served for over two and half years as Internet Marketing Director, to strike out on my own to pursue a speaking, writing and consulting career. This video ...
Paul - Nice analogy. It's great to "close the circle" by connecting on multiple platforms with those that are important to us. As you mentioned, it also gives you a more three-dimensional look into each friend/follower.
A Cord of Three Strands is Not Easily Broken
I've always felt the Bible had a lot to say about social networking. Take, for example, the verse which says, "a cord of three strands is not quickly broken." I've used that passage to teach a principle, that you should connect with people on more than one network. Say you follow someone on Tw...
Jasoncrouch is now following The Typepad Team
May 2, 2010
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