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Jason Sanjay
Recent Activity
50,000 some odd people took to the streets last night in post game festivities. A couple of hundred chose to take advantage of the situation and 32 people were arrested. Only one officer was injured and one cavalry horse. When you look at scalability, I'd say the numbers make sense. On any given night, there are a few minor crimes being committed. From what I've read in the media so far, no cars were tipped and nothing was lit on fire. I finished work at 11 PM last night and I work 3 blocks from the BELL centre. Rather than take the metro to my bus stop, I decided to walk down St-Cats with all the "crazies" and let me tell you brother, it was phenomenal. The energy in the air and the absolute happiness of the people was completely intoxicating. I could not help but smile from ear to ear. That being said, Montreal fans do have the bad habit of booing their own team when they "under perform" and in the event that we do make the finals and if we lose, I'll make sure to work from home. 17 years is a long time that rabid Habs fans have been waiting for the cup to come home and that pent up energy that you speak of can go either way, but I'm a believer in my team. GO HABS GO!
The Habs
Well for those of you out there this is a hockey blog. Maybe it is more than that actually. For our Canadian readers, unless you are dead you should be aware that the Montreal Canadiens beat the Pittsburgh Penguins last night in the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. This is the annual ho...
Jason Sanjay is now following The Typepad Team
May 13, 2010
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