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Psychic Amelia 9772
Southern California
I am blessed to be very intuitive and use Astrology and intuition to guide my life and help you with yours.
Interests: astrology is my first love. applying planetary movements to human behavior is my second love. as i am fascinated with learning about human behavior. my main interests are reading and following current events!
Recent Activity
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following greg smith
Jul 22, 2010
HELLO Everyone! Are you ready for tomorrow's Solar Eclipse? The eclipse will be exact at 7:34pm as the Moon and the Earth line up exactly at 19 degrees 34 minutes of Cancer. The Moon will be blocking the Sun's light to the Earth. We won't be able to see the eclipse from here - but we will be certainly feeling the energy of this Eclipse. In fact, you may already be feeling it. If you are a Cancer or a Capricorn (Capricorn is exactly opposite the Constellation of Cancer and directly in alignment with the Eclipse), you will really be... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2010 at Psychic Amelia 9772's blog
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following x
Jul 10, 2010
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following Kim
Jul 9, 2010
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following Anna Pollock
May 23, 2010
Uranus in Aries - May 27, 2010
The Planet Uranus has an 84 year orbit around the Sun!! Since there are twelve fixed-star constellations (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.), Uranus takes approximately seven years to pass in front of each constellation. On May 27, Uranus will move into the constellation of Aries. The last time Uranus was in Aries was from 1927 to 1934. During that time we had The Great Depression and The New Deal. Uranus has been in Aries only 9 years since the mid 1800's. Uranus energy is one of surprise and innovation. WE can expect to be taken to a new level of awakenings... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2010 at Psychic Amelia 9772's blog
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following YK
May 12, 2010
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following daphne hall
Apr 19, 2010
WE have an interesting few weeks ahead. The Big...
WE have an interesting few weeks ahead. The Big Event Astrologically is the Saturn/Uranus Opposition (the 4th of 5 exact hits) on April 26th. Watch for the reality of what is happening in your life come to light! Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2010 at Psychic Amelia 9772's blog
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following paper
Apr 12, 2010
GREAT, GREAT! Article! So many times I tell our clients, when the cards and chart show the patterns, that it is the "distance" that will actually bring you two closer together. By leaving him (or her) alone for a while, you and they actually begin to see their whole life differently and more clearly. And, while you are in that 'limbo' stage of dating, do something interesting. Keep yourself busy: take a class, read a good book, learn something new. So that when he (or she) arrives or returns, you now have suddenly become more interesting and exciting to be with and the pressure has been taken off your partner to always be there to be exciting for YOU! Very interesting how all of this works!
5 Tips to Survive the Waiting Game
By Jude Asher and Sophia Maisie You just spoke to your favorite psychic ... and the outcome is going to take a bit longer to manifest than you had desired. So what do you do when you're stuck in relationship limbo? Try these 5 tips to survive the waiting game. 1. Turn off the technology. Seri...
One more thing . . . . I also will print out this article and send it on to friends.
Own Up To Yourself
By Suzanne Baran When you point a finger at someone else, three fingers point back at you. It’s not just a Zen adage, it’s the truth. Literally point your pointer finger and then twist your wrist ever so slightly, revealing three pinned back fingers nestled in your palm. Those three fingers say...
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following Account Deleted
Mar 26, 2010
What a wonderful article! It is a very difficult thing to do - to look at oneself - and realize that you are completely and totally responsible for everything that happens to you. But, when you do, there is a quiet sense of calm and peace that seems to come over you and then all seems right with the world. When you realize that you have that kind of very powerful control over your life, then all is good! Thank you, Suzanne, for saying it so well.
Own Up To Yourself
By Suzanne Baran When you point a finger at someone else, three fingers point back at you. It’s not just a Zen adage, it’s the truth. Literally point your pointer finger and then twist your wrist ever so slightly, revealing three pinned back fingers nestled in your palm. Those three fingers say...
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following The Ferelden Muses On Typepad
Mar 23, 2010
That is a lovely, elegant photo of you, Miss Krystal. Your presence adds a lot to California Psychics. It is a pleasure to be associated with you.
Sincerely, Amelia #9027
Meet Miss Krystal ext. 9192
Yes, you do have a very gentle look about you! I love your eyes! Welcome!
Testimonial of the Day: William
"William is very consistent and very kind! I have read with him on many occasions on many topics, and he has never wavered from his predictions for me. He is most accurate!" D.D., Dallas
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following Jeca85
Feb 15, 2010
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following Account Deleted
Feb 4, 2010
Soulmates are definitely real. But, keep in mind that your first love may not be your only soulmate but someone you are to meet along the way to meeting the one you will commit to forever. The ones you meet along the way prepare you for the one ultimate love. And, yes, men are just as desirous of a soulmate as women are. Lovely story!
Are Soulmates Real?
By Herman (a CP customer!) Up until recently, the whole idea of soulmates was completely arbitrary to me, and at best, something to daydream about. With people constantly changing, growing, and evolving all at different paces, it didn't seem logical that there was only one person out there for ...
How wonderful to see this for you Seha. California Psychics and its clients are lucky to have you. You radiate such warmth and calm. I hope to have a reading with you one day.
Meet Seha ext. 9668
Interesting topic, Abigail and one we hear about so often. Halle is wise to recognize when things are just one-sided and leave. So often the scales of 'give and take' are so unbalanced that it is very hard to ever get back in sync. It is better to be alone (and keep all of your options open for meeting someone who IS suitable) than to stay with someone who is a drain on your energy both physically and emotionally. It takes a lot of strength to leave, but it is always the right thing to do.
Timing is Everything
By Psychic Abigail When I first talked to Haile -- not her real name -- she was just in the process of leaving a 20 year marriage. She had 3 children and was coming from a place of hurt on all levels. Her husband had consistently cheated and belittled her to keep her in a place of sadness and h...
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following
Jan 13, 2010
Solar Eclipse coming on Friday! January 15, 2010...
Solar Eclipse coming on Friday! January 15, 2010 at 7:07am at 25 degrees of Capricorn the orbits of the Moon and the Earth will align close enough together with the Sun to block the light of the Sun from the Earth. Since the constellation of Cancer is directly opposite the constellation of Capricorn, all Cancers as well as Capricorns will be affected by this Eclipse. Look for new beginnings in many areas of your life. Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2010 at Psychic Amelia 9772's blog
Psychic Amelia 9772 is now following feelin_sparkly
Jan 13, 2010
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