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I just might stick around for this... I think I still qualify as People. :-)
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And "Liking" your page on Facebook as well and Following on Twitter has been done since the options have been available as well.
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Been a Google Reader subscriber for as long as the has been a Google Reader. :-)
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There is never a bad time to win Disney stuff. :-)
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I also highly recommend, The Wedinator site for ideas of how cutesy can wind up making people laugh AT you, not WITH you on your wedding day.
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After seeing the story about the school in the Washington Post, this now makes even less sense to me. As you point out, the Principal insists that kids will not be suspended for hugging, despite the "zero tolerance policy" on it. Well, then is it, or isn't it a zero tolerance policy? I was one of those "hugging parents" at our daughter's school when they tried that here. And regardless of how ridiculous you may think your community looks, all one has to do is stop and think... "Oh, that is where Liz lives... it can't be all bad." :-)
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Student Suspended for Hugging friend Boy with Down syndrome, 14, suspended and accused of sex harassment after hugging school bus aide Teacher suspended after throwing bucket of water over hugging kids
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I am, to be perfectly honest, more prone to confrontation than you. So, it should come as no surprise, when my daughter's school attempted to institute such a ban, I was once again at the next school meeting with something to say. We are huggers by nature, and my daughter even more so than most. Her friends are very similar. They all give each other a hug when saying hello. And now, they risk a suspension if they forget that they can't do it in school, well that is simply unacceptable. And I am sorry, this is nothing more than laziness on the part of the administration. Because, if you can't differentiate between two kids hugging hello, and something inappropriate, then "YOU" have serious issues, and there is no reason my daughter should have to suffer or be forced to change her nature as a result of *YOU* having unresolved problems. If there is something wrong... deal with that and that alone. Any time there is a "zero tolerance" policy (yes even for "weapons in schools", where you need to be able to differenetiate between a switch blade and a swiss utility knife carried by a cub scout ) it inevitably is wrong because it will hook as many innocents as it will perpetrators. For example, my friend's son is one who is often picked on. The other kids will flick his ears, or take his baseball cap (which he always wears) off and toss it. On the bus one day, a kid is flicking his ears once again, and he turns around and yells, "Stop It, Just stay the hell away from me." And gets suspended for "bullying" because he was "yelling at another student." If the administrators, and I am sure they are nice people otherwise, cannot maintain order without blanket rules that are blindly followed without regard for circumstance, well then it is probably time for them to step aside.
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Just be aware, that if you buy some of the games "designed" for this phone, you are locking yourself in to Sony, and that if the Play flops, you may be stuck with holding on to this phone just to play the games designed for it.
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Despite the above, I am not a creepy stalker type... just a fan. :-)
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I follow you on Twitter.
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I follow on Facebook
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This would be a great way to keep in touch with my princess when I am (on ever increasing) business trips.
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Up until this year, I have marked BlogHer past, by the Drama of the year. The "Not a MommyBlogger" Drama The PayPerPost Drama The "how dare they give kitchen goods for swag, what is this the 50's" drama and of course last year's SwagGate (who pilfered this most swag?) This year, looking forward to witnessing this first hand, and hopefully proving my suspicion that there is more to this conference than the Drama that always breaks out on the following Monday. You are going to help a fellow Jersey guy out navigating this event... right?
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2010 on Hair of BlogHers Past at This Full House
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Doffus and Jason (my Basset) so need to get together one day for a playdate, they sound so much alike and have so much in common. :-)
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I can as an already avid user of their products that GardenSafe is the only store bought product that I trust in our garden (I do make some homemade organic remedies passed down from my grandfather and father, but they smell up the house, and annoy the wife).
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1976 was a banner year for TV. Starsky and Hutch, The Bionic Woman, Charlie's Angels, Laverne and Shirly... the good old days. In 1976, the summer for us was all about 2 things, the Sail-Ships coming into the harbor, and my dad collecting the bicentennial coins... and honestly... that is about all I remember (other than the TV shows). BTW, thanks for the insight, I thought I was the only one with a child that somehow decides it is too hot to be outside on a beautiful summer day. It blows my mind.
Toggle Commented Jul 6, 2010 on Independence is a Relative Term at This Full House
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Ditto the e-mail updates
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Of course I already subscribe to the feed (as any reasonably intelligent person would do)
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My version of a Tweet:
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"It's So Fluffy I could Die" I was thinking about seeing this as the trailer looked good... this sealed the deal, thanks for the (spoiler free) review
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Happy Everything (and then some.. holy smokes!!)
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Oh great, there goes a bunch of my follow Friday ideas. ;-) But clearly I am also from Jersey because: Broke my foot on the Alpine Slide. I could just kick Joe Piscapo for that stupid "I'm from Joisey" SNL skit. One of those Camaros used to be mine. I have pictures of all the Sopranos spots filmed in my hometown (including the now demolished "Satriele's" And yes... Midway Cheesesteakes FTW!!
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I'm sorry... but I don't see what is wrong with that shirt... what??? because it has the word "hell" in it? If it didn't have holes, and fit him, then I don't understand what the problem is... did they think it was going to influence students to become entertainers for the WWE? Make 'em spend too much money on Pay Per View television? Unless of course they set a policy of "no printed" t-shirts well... then... Karma... Party of One. ;-)
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My favorite Disney Studios production is Lilo and Stitch, my favor Pixar Studios film is... geez... this is tougher than I thought... probably... ummm... oh, hell.. I love all of Pixar's films (except A Bug's Life... wasn't crazy about that one) Not sure when "Earth Day" became a commercial "event" but obviously it seems that corps have come to learn to exploit it, much the same way they have done to Breast Cancer Awareness. Not sure how much real good they do, but I guess it is better than deniers that just don't care and won't recognize that this is only only planet and we need to take care of it.
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