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Vancouver, Canada
Jeffery Simpson is a freelance writer and blogger living in Vancouver Canada.
Recent Activity
My latest article has appeared in The Georgia Straight today [tgs]. The article is about social media services, most significantly Twitter, being used as a dating tool. The trouble is that while I've heard stories of people meeting via Twitter or on Facebook actually tracking people down who had was... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2010 at that ring of confidence
Conan O'Brian's last show on NBC was on Friday night. Unfortunately due to a bout of insomnia the night before I couldn't stay awake for the whole thing. However I do remember seeing Beck at one point, but that may have just been a fever dream. Now all we have... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2010 at that ring of confidence
From January 14th through to the 18th the Canadian University Press (CUP) held their 72nd annual national conference [cup] bringing university and college newspapers from around Canada together. After a few years away I returned to the conference, this time as a guest speaker. Here are the sessions I gave... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at that ring of confidence
Seriously though, Don Iveson mentioned this article [on] last night and it hits far too close to home. It reminds me of how I felt talking with Christopher Poon [tgs] about CUP conferences at The Georgia Straight's Christmas party this year. Titled "Former Editor Can't Believe Shit College Newspaper Is... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2010 at that ring of confidence
My two sessions at the Canadian University Press' 72nd annual national conference went pretty well. In the afternoon I met up with Matt Atwood who works in media relations for Bioware [wp]. After I signed a non-disclosure agreement he showed me around their Edmonton office, which is conveniently connected to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2010 at that ring of confidence
A little bit behind the meme, but I greatly enjoy this graphic. It is currently gracing my iPhone as wallpaper. Blog posted here. Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at that ring of confidence
It was a typical Vancouver day when I left. Walking from my apartment to Waterfront station to catch the Canada Line up to the airport I was soaked to the bone. Thankfully my Timbuk2 bags tend to stand up to the rain pretty well, and by the time I found... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at that ring of confidence
"Hosting The Tonight Show has been the fulfillment of a lifelong dream to me. And I want to say to the kids out there watching, you can do anything you want in life unless Jay Leno wants to do it, too." — Conan O'Brian Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2010 at that ring of confidence
Having entered, as of this afternoon, a some what similiar period of uncertain continued employment I sort of know what O'Brian's going through, though I'm not a beloved comedian and probably less capable of weathering an extended period unemployed. Conan's show is the most enjoyable The Tonight Show has been... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2010 at that ring of confidence
I feel sorry for Conan O'Brian in all of this. Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2010 at that ring of confidence
ive and on stage you can see me doing the public speaking thing that I used to win awards for back when I was in grade four and five. Granted my voice has broken and I've gone through puberty since then so I will warn you that it's not quite... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2010 at that ring of confidence
The Georgia Straight's "Geek Gift Guide" written by yours truly is up online now [tgs]. It's a pretty good collection of some of the coolest gadget gifts that you can get this Christmas. I was pretty happy that the Kindle was able to make an appearance, since I was going... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2009 at that ring of confidence
I'm doing some writing for Techvibes, a technology blog that's based in Vancouver but covers most of the continent and a few places beyond. My first post is about a new iPhone application that helps users pick out outfits to wear based on what they have in the closet, and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2009 at that ring of confidence
Kelly added a favorite at that ring of confidence
Nov 20, 2009
While on our honeymoon in New York Lydia and I fell in love with The Shake Shack and their Shake Stack burger. Sadly New York is on the other coast and it's going to be awhile until we get back. Thankfully the second best hamburger joint that I've ever been... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2009 at that ring of confidence
The internet has provided me with a few friendships over the years. Apart from one, the relationship that meant the most to me was the friendship that I had with David Robles. Since I have no friends who read comics I had turned to the interne to talk about them,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2009 at that ring of confidence
Kelly is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 17, 2009
Kelly is now following Wil
Aug 16, 2009
@Ryan: well as long as I'm married I'm still trying it for the first time, so I'm covered. @Roshan: Thanks, I think little bloggers are aways off yet. I mean that's not even counting the time it takes to train them to type.
Toggle Commented Aug 16, 2009 on So I'm married now at that ring of confidence
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Kelly is now following Zachary Quinto
Aug 16, 2009
You must have hit it on a bad day, because I love Toshi's. I love it so much sometimes I get confused and call it Yoshi's, which is actually on Denman and Georgia. Anyway, yeah Toshi's is really good. The wait is a pain, but if you get there early that shouldn't be an issue. My review of it from awhile ago:
Toggle Commented Dec 15, 2008 on Having a sushi craving at that ring of confidence
1 reply
You were? That's excellent, which one did you vote for or is that a secret?
1 reply
I've had a bad day and I'm itching to have an argument, but I'm going to step back from this one. I think it's a crap film, the part that annoyed me most was the ending but I could pick it apart on a whole host of levels. The defense that I missed the point of it by expecting a neat and tidy ending misses that I point out that I've liked movies like The Blair Witch Project, which this film influenced, and they lack the fully explained ending. Had the movie managed to create that sense of atmosphere for me that you've referenced then maybe I'd have been okay with it. I don't need to know why the world is ending in Last Night to enjoy it, I can enjoy it for what it is. You can say there's social commentary in it, but it's so vauge and ill-defined that really it could be about anything. Natural Australia versus modern British ways of life. Women's sexuality. Women's lib. The brief Canucks career of Mark Messier. It's about everything because it's a blank slate, and thus it's also about nothing. The film is pre-dated by Hithcock who does mood and suspense so much better. For me it fell flat, out of touch and out of step. Far more old fashioned than even something like Birds, a film where there is no neat and tidy explanation either. Really for me it felt like the time period it was set in. It remninded me of all the staid and dull English comedies of manners that I had to endure through various literature classes where the characters were very concerned with things that had stopped concerning anyone around the time when the cotton gin came into use. This isn't really about people's reactions to the events, as you suggest, because nobody at any point in this movie acts as a living person has ever acted. Blindness was a movie, and a book, about people's reaction to the event because we saw people react like people. Here people reacted as if they were, at the very least, under heavy sedation even when not magically hypnotized by a mountain and lured into a tear in space time. This is of course all subjective. Perhaps you know people who would act like this, in which case I'd hide my perscription drugs if I were you. Again that's just my opinion. And I realize that I totally failed at trying to avoid continuing the debate on this.
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