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I'm assuming that "right wing maverick" could also be read to mean Conservative! Of course Lib Dems would support Liberal Conservatives, it would allow them to shift the Conservatives to the left, just as in reverse Thatcher shifted Labour to the right. It would allow Liberals an Orange Book party and a Beveridge Group part to chose from and deny the Conservatives any voice in parliament.
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i never thought an obsessive knowledge of blair govt style would come in useful but apparently so...
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This is taking sofa government a little too literally
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Jboulton101 is now following Conservative Home
Jun 5, 2010
wasn't it cable who spent the entire election calling the Tory plans for cuts 'reckless' and saying it would be right to wait, now the world is following Osborne's example and the left want to chalk it up as a victory to them, you may be the laughing labour boy but im laughing at you labour boy
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Jboulton101 is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 5, 2010