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j. caroline
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That's wonderful that you got such good response to your characters! Can't wait to hear what happens next.
Toggle Commented Jun 19, 2010 on Vegas Baby! at I woke up like this
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j. caroline is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
That is awesome! Yes, you are correct-- Illustrator and Photoshop can send you into orbit. But your drawings look spectacular and I agree- you can show so many detail in illustrations that get lost in the photos. You should look at some of my original how-tos-- my illustrator drawings are h.y.s.t.e.r.i.c.a.l. My scissors look like chop sticks glued together! I'm super impressed with the skirt drawing. That is a lot of work and I suck at good curves.
1 reply
It's frustrating isn't it? I know there are a heck of a lot of quilters out there, but there are a lot of people making handbags, children's clothes, home accessories and other items that don't need 12 coordinating pieces-- they do just fine with one or two. But ultimately, they have to be good prints with good colors or no one would want them anyway. So stick with your philosophy. My mother used to quote a decorator who said "Amateurs match, professionals blend."
Toggle Commented Oct 6, 2009 on Stand Alone at Sis Boom Day Dreams
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Oh, make her wear kids clothes anyway!! What better way to create great teen years! Caroline Devoy On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 11:24 AM, wrote:
Toggle Commented Sep 22, 2009 on I made something! at jcaroline's blog
Awesome, Bari J.! From your fabulous J. friend.
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2009 on Super "Secret" News Revealed! at Bari J.
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Okay, the hair elastic as the button "tab" just might be genuis.
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The pattern is terrific!! I made the Sophie tunic for my daughter and it was so easy and well-done. (The pattern, not my sewing!) You can see it out of your Girlfriend's fabric here:
Toggle Commented Jun 23, 2009 on ..and we're live... at Sis Boom Day Dreams
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Oops. I mean Jim Collins, not Peter. Sorry Jim, since I'm sure he's reading this.
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Great post! (Hey, I'm learning stuff here too!) I would add to your list of reading on the economy and small business, Peter Collins' interview in the latest Inc. magazine on turbulent times and entrepreneurism: I love his take on risk v. ambiguity.
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I hear you, Jan. Retirement makes me want to laugh and cry. And I will be that man riding the bus to my job when I'm 85.
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Also be careful about the limited liability aspect of your corporate structure when it comes to debt. Most lenders will insist that you sign a "personal guarantee" before they will lend you money, so you will not be sheltered by your structure, regardless of what it is. Just something to keep in mind so you aren't shocked when that comes up.
Toggle Commented Apr 2, 2009 on Choosing a Business Structure at Modish Biz Tips
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Great post! Isn't the web great for collaborating with people you've never met? Love it.
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Excellent post! This is so important for people to remember- it may not be fun for you anymore when your livelihood depends on it. I don't believe that book "Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow". Obviously, if you are doing what you love, you will put your full effort and passion into it, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will make money. I also think creative people forget that once a client is involved, it isn't about your tastes anymore. It has to be what they want and that is hard for some artists and designers. Especially if you think the client has no taste!
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Laura, Definitely keep your receipts and if your accountant provided a spreadsheet and the system is working, by all means use it. I'm just saying (under my breath) not to freak out if you don't have a receipt for every single expense (especially if it isn't significant). I don't want business owners to screw themselves out of deductions because they aren't organized or are intimidated. Lili, I don't know if anyone will confirm it, but in the U.S. the assumption is the same- that time spent on an audit better yield some revenue.
Toggle Commented Mar 19, 2009 on Tax Planning for Procrastinators at Modish Biz Tips
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