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The more I listen to your podcast about this revolution. The more I feel nicholas just had it all coming and really deserved that bullet.
Good god what a blithering idiot.
It boggles the mind... But then there's trump so I guess nothing new under the sun
10.39- The End of Part I
Maybe if Nicholas hadn't been so set on rejecting the verdict of 1905, there wouldn't be a Part II to look forward to. Direct Link: 10.39- The End of Part I
Actually, the wiki page mentions it:
10.29- Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
When you have a majority, flaunt it. Direct Link: 10.29- Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
Hi "Monday" :) if you do find, please share! Never heard of it either
10.29- Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
When you have a majority, flaunt it. Direct Link: 10.29- Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
Trying my best skywalker impression: NOOOOOOOO !!!!!
Argh fair enough! Good luck with the book! Since we're in the limbo for 6+ months don't hesitate to share some other podcast we could feed on while you are working on your greater design :)
Revolutions Podcast Update: The End Is Nigh?
Is the end nigh? Not really. But it will be soon! Direct Link: Revolutions Podcast Update: The End Is Nigh?
Jcloiseau is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 19, 2020
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